Sunday, February 02, 2025

Democrats have a big problem with the male vote

Therefore, the solution is David Hogg: "The Democratic Party Wants to Die."
That pretty much brings us to the current day. As far as I can tell, Hogg has never held a real job, and none of his activism has ever added up to anything but losing elections. His home state of Florida has become solidly red, and we all know how the national elections in 2024 turned out. In other words, Hogg appears to be the least qualified, least accomplished DNC official in history, and yet, Democrats saw his record and thought, "Let's make him one of our leaders."

It's astonishing when you think about it. As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is a party with a death wish. If anyone thought, and some more moderate Democrats presumably did, that there would be a course correction, they were incredibly wrong. Not only has there not been a course correction, but the party's leaders are going further into woke insanity, making it the very core of their messaging and identity. 
Don't change a thing, Dems.  You're doing great.

I think it was Ace when speaking about the Washington Post that it needs to fire half their staff and start from square one.  In a similar vein the Democrats don't need a scalpel, they need a machete.  But they just don't realize it.

Sorry!  I meant "xey" don't realize it.


Anonymous said...

When I first read this, I thought it might be The Babylon Bee, but, no, it's real. Martin as the head guy is bad enough, but to add on Hogg is absolutely crazy. I hope it continues, but, honestly, it's not good for the country to have one of its two major parties go so completely off the rails. Unfortunately, there is a not insignificant faction of their constituency that will swallow every bit of swill these two will disperse.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are illustrating what a downward spiral looks like (as do the cities they run). As they collapse into a heap of ruins, it actually seems to them that the solution to their problems is a re-energized dose of that which is destroying them.

Anonymous said...

The folks that cant define a man or a woman correctly seem to have problems with all the people that can. Maybe if they would stop calling everyone sexists, homophobic, islamaphobe and racists long enough to listen they could win an election every now and again. I wont be holding my breath in the mean time.