Friday, February 28, 2025


Well, traffic is off since the election - sounds like a good time for a vacation!  See you next weekend.

Meanwhile, here's K-pop sensation (G)I-DLE:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The beatings will continue until trust is restored

Hot Air: "How Low Can You Go: New Gallup Poll On the Trust-in-Media Limbo."

I've said this several times before but it bears repeating: the current legacy media must be burned to the ground.  Jeff Bezos should just fire everyone at the Washington Post and start anew. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

This is great news

Fox News: "Trump admin guts White House Correspondents Association in bid to end 'monopoly' of 'DC journalists' - The WHCA has determined access to the White House for decades." 

I forget where I saw it but the judge in the Associated Press lawsuit asked why the White House Correspondents Association had any standing in the case given they had no legal standard.  It's just a collection of (mostly) like-minded notebook-scratchers. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

"Uber Eats driver" - that's the description they chose

Recent news from here in Western Massachusetts.  See if you can guess the inconvenient fact about this Uber Eats driver the Boston Globe omitted from the headline: "Uber Eats driver charged with raping customer in her Wilbraham apartment."
An Uber Eats driver is facing a rape charge for allegedly using a “ruse” to enter a female customer’s Wilbraham home and rape her during a delivery, legal filings show.

Roiber Andres Rodriguez Melendez, 21, pleaded not guilty on Feb. 14 to a rape count in Palmer District Court, records show. He was ordered held without bail after a dangerousness hearing.

His lawyer said Friday that he denies the allegations.

Rodriguez Melendez, who also has a pending case out of South Hadley for alleged motor vehicle violations, is a Colombian national who is “not here legally,” court papers said.
So an illegal alien raped a woman in Wilbraham.  To add insult to injury, he had an active warrant which means he's exactly the kind of person who would have been detained under the Laken Riley Act.

Every single Massachusetts politician except for Stephen Lynch (MA-8) voted against the Laken Riley Act.

The inevitable AP lawsuit

Twitchy: "The Associated Press Throws an Epic Toddler Tantrum, Sues Trump for Not Inviting Them to the Party."

An utterly ridiculous tantrum.  There is no free speech argument here: the AP can write whatever they want.  Also: the White House can grant or restrict access to any media outfit.

Have you considered calling Trump a "fascist" but harder?

Daily Caller: "‘Never Seen Anything Like This’: Fmr Clinton Pollster Says Dems’ Support ‘Is Falling Off A Cliff’." 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Robert Reich is an asshole

Robert Reich has been playing the same schtick for 30 years now and he still gets paid from stupid articles in the Guardian and some YouTube videos.  Like most charlatans humping the class warfare grift (e.g. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders), they will never debate and they can't stand the slightest bit of pushback.

Watch how easy it is to refute his premise: Jobs & Wozniak.  J.K. Rowling.  Hewlett & Packard.  That's just off the top of my head.

Yet another media outlet settles a lawsuit

Hot Air: "MSNBC Settles 'Uterus Collector' Lawsuit."
As predicted here, MSNBC's parent company has settled a defamation lawsuit filed against the network brought by a doctor who was dubbed the "uterus collector." The trial in this case was set to begin in April and MSNBC has wisely decided there was no upside to taking this to court.
There's a joke about Rachel Maddow that she's "always wrong, never in doubt."  I wonder how much of this settlement came out of her salary.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Another all-time low

Keep it up, Democrats.  Your'e doing great.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hamas killed a baby

Then held on to the corpse for 16 months: "We Must Prepare Ourselves for the Pain of February 20."
Thursday, February 20, will always be remembered in Israeli history as a day of unimaginable emotional pain. It is a pain that should be felt by every civilized human being on this planet.

Hamas is releasing the bodies of four kidnapped victims. Let's be clear: these are not hostages. A hostage is someone who has been kidnapped and is alive. These are murder victims. They include the corpses of a mother, her toddler, and a nine-month-old infant who were kidnapped on Oct. 7 — 16 months ago — are being returned to Israel in coffins or body bags. In exchange for these bodies, hundreds of convicted mass murderers and terrorists will be released on Saturday. 
Pure evil.  I can't even with Gaza anymore.  I read stories like this and think: "Maybe we should ship the Palestinians to Jordan and turn Gaza into a parking lot."

Haha - what?

This is a bold strategy.  Let's see if it pays off, Cotton: "LA Mayor: I'm Investigating Why I Was 'Allowed' to Go AWOL." 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Wipe it out

Issues and Insights: "Isn’t 46 Years Of Failure Enough? Time To Kill The Education Dept." 

Margaret Brennan again

Power Line: "Why no one respects the legacy Media."

To which I would add that Amy Klobuchar recently appeared on CNN spreading outright lies about Trump's budget cuts, receiving absolutely no pushback from Dana Bash.

Extra - Red State: "'60 Minutes' Airs an All-Timer, and the Depths They Sink to Will Blow Your Mind."  What's in the water over at CBS News?

More - PJ Media: "What the Hell Is Wrong With CBS News?"  Good question!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

SNL is a crashing bore

Hollywood in Toto: "How ‘Saturday Night Live’ Betrayed Its Legacy (and Us) - Once-mighty show's political bias only half of its existential crisis." 

Here's my take: I used to watch SNL fairly regularly, at least catching the opening sketch and monologue for a laugh.  But then there was a stretch where Alec Baldwin as Trump opened the show every single week.  It was a predictable and total bore with the same anti-Trump jokes recycled over and over.  For the past four years, I've been waiting for the Joe Biden sketches but they never materialized until after the debate and he was essentially a zombie candidate.

So maybe the show is funny again, maybe not.  But I'm not watching so I wouldn't know.

The Paper of record

Babylon Bee: "Democrats Demand Transparency From Man Who Posts Literally Everything He Does On The Internet." 

This was written by a grown man

I had to check but apparently Dan Froomkin is not a sophomore at Oberlin College.  He's a man (allegedly) who wrote this childish temper tantrum over the Trump White House banning the Associated Press: "How the White House press corps should respond to the banning of the Associated Press."

Spoiler alert: it involves a lot of ineffectual foot-stamping and moral solipsism.  Legal action?  OMG, don't threaten me with a good time, Dan. 

"It's just so obvious. They're so bad at it."

Twitchy: "Trump and Musk Amused at Dems and Legacy Media’s Lame Attempts at Driving Wedge Between Them." 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Fauxcahontas on the war path

Reason: "Elizabeth Warren's Hubris Allowed Trump To Defund the CFPB - Instead of isolating the CFPB from Congress' budget-making authority, Warren and former President Barack Obama made it easier for a president to effectively shut it down."
Here's where the hubris enters the story. When Warren and Obama created the CFPB, they designed that unorthodox funding structure specifically to prevent a future Republican-led Congress from trying to defund the bureau. Remember, this was in the age when Republicans were running around the country telling voters they intended to repeal Obamacare too. By isolating the CFPB from Congress' budgetary powers, Warren was trying to make it invulnerable to attack.

Instead, she simply gave it a fatal flaw.

Earlier this week, the Trump administration submitted its CFPB funding request to the Federal Reserve. It asked for…$0.
If Warren didn't get cutesy and instead just submitted CFPB to the normal budget process, it may have survived.  But instead she and Obama created a federal fiefdom that fell under executive purview alone and now that's Trump. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

This is the way

Here's Trump answering questions from the Oval Office today:

Haha - holy cow.  This is the only way for Republicans to address the mainstream media: always assume they're the enemy.  It's a well-earned reputation. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Corruption in Illinois? No!

Just the News: "Ex-Illinois House Speaker convicted on 10 corruption charges at trial that exposed Democrat greed." - "Michael Madigan, the long-serving Illinois House Speaker who in his hey-day rubbed elbows with elites like Barack Obama, was convicted Wednesday on 10 federal charges after a long-running influence peddling trial that exposed corruption and greed inside the state's Democrat establishment." 

Monday, February 10, 2025

They can't help themselves

Here's liberal pollster Ruy Teixeira stating what is completely obvious to non-Democrats: "Defending USAID Is Political Suicide for Democrats."
Okay, let’s recap the situation:

1. Democrats are unconditionally defending an obscure government institution at a time when even well-known and previously trusted institutions are regarded with intense suspicion. A key finding from New York Times polling in the 2024 election cycle was that voters overwhelmingly believe the political and economic system in America needs either major changes, or to be completely rebuilt.

2. This particular obscure institution does one of American voters’ least favorite things: provide foreign aid.

3. Finally, not only are Democrats blanket defending an obscure institution that does something American voters don’t particularly want to, they are defending it without explaining their own priorities. What aid would they preserve and what would they get rid of? It is a legitimate issue, in light of concerns about USAID, which is not a “criminal organization,” as Musk called it, but does have long-standing issues with efficiency and focus.
A political faction not consumed with sheer hatred would accept the current zeitgeist and pick their battles more carefully.  But that's not the TDS-obsessed Democrats today.  

They're in a spiral.

The Left is utterly lost

The grasping madness: "Liberal Magazine: Hitler Knew How to Fund Science, Unlike Trump." 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

CFPB powers down

Red State: "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Website Goes Dark and the Woodchipper Warms Up."

I'm not necessarily opposed to the role of the CFPB as a kind of overseer of the financial sector.  What I do not like is the quasi-legal structure of the bureau which is semi-isolated from the control of the executive branch.  Until now, maybe.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Trump pulls Dementia Joe's security clearance

Twitchy: "Who's Gonna Tell Him He Had One? President Trump Revokes Sleepy Joe Biden's Security Clearance."

My gosh, look at the difference in Biden's cognition from four years ago.  He's actually lucid here:

Doubling up to $20 billion

Deadline: "Donald Trump Amends CBS Lawsuit To Claim That The ’60 Minutes’ Kamala Harris Interview Unfairly Diverted Viewers From His Truth Social Platform."

I'm quite certain that Trump doesn't care at all about the money.  It's all about getting CBS to admit fault.  He'll settle for $20 and an apology.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Do the slightest bit of research first, dude

Red State: "Community Notes Demolishes Dem Congressman for Wild Take on Trump at National Prayer Breakfast."

60 Minutes only airs 20 minutes

Reason: "Transcript Proves the 60 Minutes Scandal Was Always Fake - Donald Trump's complaints were always meritless, but CBS' capitulation sets a dangerous precedent for the future of the news media."

Yeah, I wasn't exactly blown away by the "evidence" of a cover-up considering that all television shows have to do a certain amount of editing.  But why was "60 Minutes" so bound to showing only 20 minutes when they clearly had time to show much more of the interview with a Presidential candidate?  I, for one, would have liked to have seen the "why do you want to be President" question that (predictably) ran into a ditch with Kamala's standard word salad of citing "ambitions, dreams and aspirations."  

That verbal tic trio appeared so often in Kamala's speeches and interviews that you can visualize the focus group memo upon which it was borne.

No more Romneys

Behind the Black: "Trump has finally taught Republicans how to fight."
One of the biggest complaints conservatives have had about the Republican Party for decades is that its politicians just would not fight. At the slightest hint that a Democrat was offended or disagreed, they’d fold like a house of cards. And their fear of the propaganda press made them so timid that Democrats could literally do anything and get away with it (as we are now finding out in the USAID scandal, which became a money laundering operation funneling taxpayer funds to partisan leftist organizations and media outlets).

Well, no more. Donald Trump got elected the first time and the second time because the one thing that stood out about him was his unwillingness to back down, and to “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
I tend to think that some of this pushback is overreach by the Democrats.  There was immigration, for sure, but in my mind the breaking point for a lot of Americans was biological men competing in women's sports.  This was the point where a lot of people didn't GAF if you called them "racist" or "transphobic" or "fascist."  That wasn't going to land anymore which is why Trump's "she's for they/them, he's for you" campaign ad was so effective.

Americans are laughing and ignoring the unhinged outrage from the Democrats now.  It's glorious.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

What? No.

CNN: "Trump says Palestinians should leave Gaza permanently and US will ‘take over’ strip."

Was Trump just riffing during his presser with Netanyahu?  This is a bad idea.  Let's get back to the good ideas like taking over Greenland. 

The media is nothing if not self-righteous

Fox News: "'60 Minutes' producer defiant as CBS parent company mulls settling Trump lawsuit: 'I will not apologize' - CBS News was ordered to send the raw transcript of the Kamala Harris interview to the FCC."

The Trump Presidential Library is going to covered with solid gold by the time he's done.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Climate cult catastrophe

Quillette: "Three Hard Truths About California’s Fire Crisis"
The Democrats’ position presents a striking irony. California’s progressive leadership has positioned itself at the forefront of climate change policy, championing emissions reductions and denouncing climate scepticism. Yet when faced with the practical requirements of climate change preparedness, whether conducting controlled burns, maintaining water infrastructure, or restricting development in fire-prone areas—they have proven to be inept. They appear more comfortable with grand pronouncements about global challenges than with the unglamorous work of preparing their own communities for climate realities they themselves warn about.
The grandstanding and climate moralizing was job #1.  Making sure a 117 million gallon reservoir was available to fight fires was somewhere down the list.

Democrats have a big problem with the male vote

Therefore, the solution is David Hogg: "The Democratic Party Wants to Die."
That pretty much brings us to the current day. As far as I can tell, Hogg has never held a real job, and none of his activism has ever added up to anything but losing elections. His home state of Florida has become solidly red, and we all know how the national elections in 2024 turned out. In other words, Hogg appears to be the least qualified, least accomplished DNC official in history, and yet, Democrats saw his record and thought, "Let's make him one of our leaders."

It's astonishing when you think about it. As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is a party with a death wish. If anyone thought, and some more moderate Democrats presumably did, that there would be a course correction, they were incredibly wrong. Not only has there not been a course correction, but the party's leaders are going further into woke insanity, making it the very core of their messaging and identity. 
Don't change a thing, Dems.  You're doing great.

I think it was Ace when speaking about the Washington Post that it needs to fire half their staff and start from square one.  In a similar vein the Democrats don't need a scalpel, they need a machete.  But they just don't realize it.

Sorry!  I meant "xey" don't realize it.

It's a new day

Based Underground: "Fox News Host Takes Down ‘The View’ for the First Time Ever in Ratings Showdown" - "Fox News host Harris Faulkner’s program, “The Faulkner Focus,” took down ABC’s “The View” in average total ratings for the first time ever in the month of January." 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Come on over, Frenchy!

Yahoo Finance: "French luxury billionaire sparks tax debate with threat to leave." - "Bernard Arnault, the billionaire boss of the world's biggest luxury conglomerate LVMH, has picked a fight with the French government by suggesting that companies could flee France for the United States to escape a planned tax hike." 

This article is laughably bad

Boston Globe: "Democrats need to start winning elections in all 50 states."

Throw it onto the pile: yet another opinion piece where Democrats delude themselves into believing the actual problem is communication and messaging.  I did a word search on "immigration" and it wasn't there.  But, sure, go to rural Iowa and communicate how the federal government can help you out.  Get that message out.

In the big picture, as the DNC, choosing new leadership, surveyed its current position — out of power — leaders told themselves that the causes of the party’s failures are 1). racism and misogyny, and 2). poor communications. That is what losing parties do. Somebody else is to blame. Our only fault is insufficiently communicating to voters how wonderful we are.

How to get rich through socialism

It's the Bernie Sanders method: "Guy Who Owns Three Houses Brags About Taking Donations From Working Class People, Not 'Greedy' CEOs." 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Defund NPR

This would make me so happy: "NYT: Trump's War on NPR/PBS Is Real, and It's Spectacular."  NPR, in particular, is just the worst as meticulously detailed by Uri Berliner last year: "I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust."
Back in 2011, although NPR’s audience tilted a bit to the left, it still bore a resemblance to America at large. Twenty-six percent of listeners described themselves as conservative, 23 percent as middle of the road, and 37 percent as liberal.

By 2023, the picture was completely different: only 11 percent described themselves as very or somewhat conservative, 21 percent as middle of the road, and 67 percent of listeners said they were very or somewhat liberal. We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals. 
Trump broke NPR just like any number of newspapers and magazines.  They burned their credibility on a pyre of TDS.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Trump's new press secretary: "You guys in the legacy Media suck"

Man, what a great opening for Karoline Leavitt.  Before taking questions, she castigated that mainstream media and threw some questions to the "new" media.  Amazingly, I don't think she looked down at her podium a single time while answering questions: "First White House Press Briefing for Karoline Leavitt Has the Press Off Balance Dealing With Competency."

If you want to get a feel for the kind of justified pushback this White House is going to rain down on the legacy Media: "Karoline Leavitt: It's Nice of You to Suddenly Care About the Price of Eggs, But the Increase Happened While the President You Corruptly Covered for Was "Sleeping Upstairs in the Residence". 

Damn, girl.

You don't hate the media enough

Outkick: "New York Magazine Appears To Crop Out All Black Attendees Of Trump Inauguration Event."

Despicable.  Gotta maintain that narrative.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Old habits die hard at the LA Times

The LA Times owner may be trying to moderate the paper's message but that doesn't mean it can't still churn out dumb articles like this one: "Trump talks ‘free speech’ while moving to muzzle those he disagrees with."

If you read the article, the so-called censorship is only ensuring that people who report to him in the Executive Branch adhere to his policies.  As the elected President.
Both at home and abroad, the Trump administration has ordered federal employees and diplomats to cease communications on a range of issues, including “diversity, equity and inclusion,” “environmental justice” and “gender ideology.”
Nobody's stopping anybody from engaging in free speech.  Go, Karen, go spread the good word of DEI across the land from your Bluesky account!  You just can't do it from a Trump administration position.

These people are just clowns.

Zeno's paradox in the NFL

The Washington Commanders had so many penalties against the Philadelphia Eagles goal line drive that the ball moved "half the distance to the goal" about four times.

Reminded me of Zeno's dichotomy paradox. The Eagles eventually scored.

Here we go again

Yet another "now the truth can be told" moment a week into Trump's Presidency: "Conspiracy Freaks Batting 1000: CIA Believes Covid-19 Likely Caused by Lab Leak." 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

You cannot possibly be this stupid

Let me start by saying that I used to subscribe to The Atlantic magazine before Trump broke it.  It is now a hotbed of complete TDS as evidenced by this latest column: "Turns out signing the Hunter Biden letter was a bad idea - Why so many titans of intelligence were willing to risk their hard-won credibility is deeply mysterious."

In the words of John McEnroe: you cannot be serious.  I can't believe the echo chamber is so echo-y that an intelligent writer can't suss it out.  Instead, I think (in this era of media turbulence) that Graeme Wood knows exactly why these guys whored themselves out to the Biden campaign but wrote a long "Trump bad" article to satisfy his lefty boss Laurene Powell Jobs. 

That's my Occam's Razor take.

This isn't going to work anymore

USA Today: "Elon is Hitler? Liberals regress to cancel culture to compensate for their loss. - Rather than debate Elon Musk and Donald Trump in good faith or engage them in civil discourse, Democrats have resorted to what they do best: name-calling in an attempt to 'cancel' those they dislike." 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Paging Vice President Vance

Looks like Hegseth is going to need a tie-breaking vote with the Senate at 50-50.

Murkowski, Collins, and McConnell (!) are the three GOP defections.

Update - Confirmed

The era of the liberal crybullies is OVER

Really great article from Victor Davis Hanson: "The Addicted, Petty, and Hysterical Left."
Donald Trump won the 2024 election in part because the Left's hysterical style of attacking Trump no longer worked.
In sum, the Left wants no debate because they know voters have rejected what they saw and suffered during the last four years of the Biden administration.

Forgetting nothing, learning nothing, like zombies, leftists keep screaming banalities. But like addicts and their feel-good fixes, their hysterics only further turn off the public as they destroy themselves.
This "fascist!" fear mongering crap doesn't work anymore: "'Because It Was Bulls**t': Axios Doesn't Understand How Musk, Tesla Remain 'Bulletproof' From Nazi Smear."  That half-wit Connecticut senator Chris Murphy tried to hump this story and nobody was buying it.  Make sure you keep calling all deportation efforts as "racist," too.

Nobody cares.  Just get out of our way now.

Democrats are flailing, still trying to find the right angle from which to attack the president.
Have they tried the "bloodbath" hoax again?  How about the "very fine people" hoax?  The classics never go out of style.

Final word:

Thursday, January 23, 2025

What would we do without the disinformation experts?

Reason: "Disinformation Experts Hate Trump's Free Speech Executive Order - As expected."

The grift is over.

Unclear on the concept

San Francisco Standard: "Walgreens closures leave entire SF neighborhoods without a pharmacy."
Joe Moore, 71, criticized Walgreens for the decision to close the Ingleside location, saying the chain is prioritizing profits over the needs of seniors.

“They don’t give a shit about us,” Moore said. “We’re dollar signs to them.” 
It's called a "business," Jim.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

47 minutes yesterday and almost an hour today

Trump answered so many questions yesterday while signing executive actions that they ran out of stuff to ask.  At one point somebody asked if they had re-installed the Diet Coke button on the Resolute Desk.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim

Fun stuff

Powerline: "Inauguration day in pictures." 

Amazing talent

The audio system failed for "America the Beautiful" so Carrie Underwood just sang it a capella.  Wow!

President Trump back in charge

I'm not gonna lie: I saw Butler live and up until the oath I was afraid something terrible was going to happen.

I totally called it, part 2

This news broke in the MIDDLE of the inauguration ceremony:

I totally called it

A week ago I said Dementia Joe would do this: "Breaking: Biden Issues Preemptive Pardons to Mark Miley, Anthony Fauci, January 6 Committee."

And, thus, a brand-new standard has been set for Presidential pardons.

Four more hours to flush down the toilet this corrupt and contemptible Administration. 

Extra - Federalist: "Seven Reasons Biden Was One Of Our Worst Presidents." America largely agrees.

Let's see if we can make it through the next 5 hours

Would not be at all surprised if Dementia Joe makes some final outrageous pardon for the last little hit of Presidential power.  Watch for a blanket pardon of his money mule Jim Biden or Liz Cheney.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Good news

Fox News: "Hamas frees 3 Israeli hostages under Gaza cease-fire deal."

Let's get some Americans now.

Just making stuff up

Jonathan Turley: "Biden Again Summons His “Leading Legal Constitutional Scholars” to Support an Absurd Constitutional Claim."
That echo chamber of higher education offers liberal leaders instant support even for the most ridiculous claims like the ratification of the ERA. The problem is that the group-think culture has a greater hold on academics than the public at large. For most people, selling the ERA as alive and well is akin to trying to sell a dead parrot as merely sleeping or stunned.
As the article notes, Harvard professor Laurence Tribe has been Biden's go-to "scholar" for his YOLO anything goes legal opinions only to be overturned by the Courts.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Maybe it isn't funny

Powerline: "It isn't funny." Either way, it will be over soon.  Right after the unprecedented blanket pardons for potential crimes.  

This will never not be funny

Still active on his YouTube account:

"Pennsylvania is on its way to becoming a red state"

Real Clear Pennsylvania: "Pennsylvania’s GOP Sweep Was No Fluke."

Huge, if true.  When I was younger, Missouri used to be the bellwether state where whatever candidate won the Show Me State won the Presidency.  It's looking like Pennsylvania is the "key" (pun intended) to the White House now.

How you know this is all for show

Joe Biden declared there's a 28th Amendment now but the National Archivist is in open revolt against the Executive Branch: "Biden’s Final Constitutional Crisis"
But the National Archivist works within the executive branch, which means that she works under the supervision of . . . Joe Biden. This means that, by telling the truth, the National Archivist is in open rebellion against her boss.
The President can fire and replace anybody ignoring his orders!  So what's gonna happen here?  Nothing.
This problem could be easily resolved by Joe Biden ordering the National Archivist to certify the 28th Amendment, and then either reversing his position or firing her if she refuses. But, because he is a reckless coward, Biden has not issued such an order, and, per his office, he will not issue such an order.
Of course not. 

This is the way

Wall Street Journal: "CBS Owner Discusses Settling Trump Suit, With Merger Review on Tap - Trump seeking $10 billion in suit over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview; FCC signals tough review of Paramount merger with Skydance."

The pain of lawsuits is the only way to bring the mainstream media to heel.

Friday, January 17, 2025

With copious help from the compliant media

NY Times: "How Biden’s Inner Circle Protected a Faltering President."

Here's yet another "now it can be told" article.

I had no idea you can amend the Constitution with a tweet

Boy, the things you learn in the waning days of the Biden Administration.  "Demented Tyrant Biden Now Presumes to Change the Constitiution By His Kingly Pronouncement, Adding an Amendment to the Constitution Via a Tweet."

Of course he can't but we're going to pretend Grandpa is doing great for three more days.

In a speech today, Dementia Joe claimed he had cleared this declaration with "Constitutional scholars."  The names of these learned men must be revealed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

He earned it

Twitchy: "CNN Poll: Biden Leaves Office With His Approval Rating at Its Lowest." 

Please, please do this

PJ Media: "Expect Big Changes in the White House Press Room as Trump Will All But Sideline Legacy Media."
Ordinarily, the front row of seats is reserved for the "major" media outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, Reuters, and CNN. That lineup is as constant as spring rains and as holy as seniority in the College of Cardinals. 

But there's a new sheriff in town, and suddenly, we're looking at a dry spring and overturning the sacred college. Trump aides are thinking of mixing things up to give other, less biased media organizations a shot.

The White House Correspondent's Association (WHCA) is responsible for the briefing room seating chart. To take that duty away from the WHCA is akin to a declaration of war on the legacy press. That may be exactly what Trump's media team is looking for.
One of the funniest suggestions I saw was that although the WHCA sets the seating chart, Trump's press secretary can just move the podium to the back of the room.  

Oh no

Hot Air: "Washington Post Employees Are Panicking." 

They were warned, repeatedly. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Legal Insurrection: "Two House Democrats Join Republicans to Pass Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act - The act strips those who receive federal financial assistance if they allow a “male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.”

Back in November, Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton voiced his concern that his daughters might be harmed playing against biological men:
Moulton had previously written an op-ed in The New York Times about the 2024 election in which he said that Vice President Kamala Harris' loss was down to his party "spending way too much time trying not to offend anyone.

"I have two little girls, I don't want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I'm supposed to be afraid to say that."
Moulton learned his lesson and voted accordingly: "Seth Moulton Rips 'Extreme' Trans Sports Bill After Backing Restrictions."  Sorry, kids! 

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, Senator

Hot Air: "Must Watch: Mazie Hirono's Day-Drinking Questioning of Hegseth."  

Monday, January 13, 2025

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The feckless mainstream media

I didn't mention this the other day because I'm just holding my breath and waiting for Dementia Joe to leave office in another week.  But here's an excerpt from his softball interview with USA Today:
But the fact is that we had a soft landing, no recession, and the interest rate was 9% when we came into office in the beginning. It was down to 2.34% now.
Assuming here that Biden meant "inflation rate" and not "interest rate" which makes no sense.  This isn't the first time Biden has lied about inflation and softball-tosser Susan Page did not stop to offer a correction.  As in "no, Mr. President, inflation was not 9% when you came into office."

Which leads to Adam Schiff on "This Week" this morning with Jonathan Karl: "Adam Schiff-for-Brains Lies About California Reservoirs (and John Karl Doesn't Fact Check Him)."

Another lie that doesn't get corrected on the spot.  Do you know why Democrats feel free to lie with impunity?  It's because they know their buddies in the mainstream media won't call them out.

Extra - To be fair, occasionally a "journalist" will do his/her job: "California Gov. Newsom tries to weasel out of blame with reservoir claim — is immediately called out." 

Why the fires are out of control: too much water

Boston Globe: "The real reasons why LA’s fires are out of control."
The foundation for the current destruction was laid last winter, when California was hit by epic storms. Over the course of two days in early February, downtown LA recorded more than 7 inches of rain. It was the second year in a row California experienced record-breaking levels of winter precipitation, filling reservoirs and oversaturating the land. A lake deep enough to boat on appeared in Death Valley, the driest place in this very dry state.
You can't make this up.  I'm just spitballin' here but maybe you should have saved that water for the fire season that occurs - in your words - "every year." 

Forget it Jake, it's California

Legal Insurrection: "Newsom Cracks Down as Looters Exploit LA Evacuations, ‘It has turned into the wild wild west here’ - “There were like 100 people who came up on scooters and were trying to get into any and all houses on this street.”

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 20th can't come soon enough

Twitchy: "Protection Racket: Biden Says He’ll Base His Last Pardons on Who Trump is Talking About."

My feeling is that Dementia Joe is going to do it: he's going to take the unprecedented step of issuing blanket pardons on his way out the door.  Know why?  Because at this stage, Joey is desperate to reaffirm his own Presidential authority and it's something to do. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

California incompetence

Reason: "Fires Incinerated the Facade of California Governing Competence - Virtue-signaling is no substitute for disaster preparedness."

Just amazing:
California voters in 2014 passed Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act, which authorized $7.12 billion in bond issues; it's one of eight water-related bond-issue propositions passed so far in the 21st century. A full $2.7 billion of Prop. 1 was earmarked for "new water storage" projects, to do stuff like capture more snowmelt and rainwater in the state's sporadic heavy-precipitation winters (such as 2022–23 and 2023–24).

So how many of those water storage projects have been built? Zero.
Ten years to build a big swimming pool and they couldn't get it done.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

And yet, he'll get what he wanted

Reason: "Alvin Bragg's Misbegotten 'Election Interference' Case Against Trump Ends With a Whimper - Aside from a felony record that may yet be erased on appeal, the president-elect will face no punishment for trying to conceal his hush payment to Stormy Daniels."

Bragg had two goals: 1) brand Trump as a felon and 2) derail his campaign.  Well, the latter didn't work and only the most TDS-affected Americans care about the former.  Still, Trump will be a "felon" until the inevitable and certain legal reversal of this sham trial. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Tomorrow the worst eulogy in history will be delivered

Joe Biden will deliver a eulogy for Jimmy Carter tomorrow.  It will be a master class in projection and solipsism.  Without doubt, Joey will recount how Carter asked for his valuable endorsement and Joey complied because Carter was a man of decency.  Decency decency decency.  Just like my daddy told me: "everybody deserves a fair shot!"  Also, Beau died and Carter did something.

Prove me wrong, Brandon.

Biden defeats Nixon!

Breitbart: "Gallup: Americans to remember Joe Biden as the second-worst President in history."

Dementia Joe did earn the highest "poor" rating of any modern President, so that's a "victory" of sorts.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

From impermissible to imperative

This is just a great essay from William Voegeli in the Cleremont Review of Books: "All the President’s Mental Lapses - Democracy dies in deception."

In great detail, Voegeli recounts how the mainstream media covered up for Biden for his entire term until the debate, whereupon it became mission-critical to save what was left of its credibility.
The debate, however, nullified these political calculations. It now seemed highly likely that insisting Biden was still fit for duty would wind up helping rather than hurting Trump. Pre-debate, maintaining that Biden was up to the job had been the best bet for preventing Trump’s return to the White House. Post-debate, Biden’s continuing candidacy, which had appeared to be the Democratic Party’s least bad option, turned into its most bad option. (Following Trump’s victory in November, Jon Favreau, a speechwriter in the Obama White House, said on his “Pod Save America” podcast that internal Biden campaign polling, reflecting the impact of the June debate, showed Trump on track to win 400 electoral votes if Biden remained the Democratic nominee.) With only 53 days between the June 27 debate and the opening of the Democratic convention in Chicago, the mission of driving Biden out of the race in favor of a candidate who could speak audibly and in complete sentences was daunting, but a risk that had to be run. The Post was prepared to do its part by publishing a long, detailed article about Biden’s decline. A story that had been impermissible, in Mark Halperin’s phrase, for more than three years became imperative within just one week.
Like a kicked-over anthill, suddenly the media was churning out (previously verboten) articles about Biden's limitations.  No media source was more obtuse than the Washington Post:
Though The Washington Post is not a lone violator, I’ve chosen to discuss how journalists did, but mostly did not, cover the story of Joe Biden’s decline by concentrating on that paper for a couple of reasons. One is that, to the best of my knowledge, no other media outlet that was AWOL on this story from 2020 through June 2024 has had the lack of self-awareness, or perhaps the surplus of disingenuousness, to scold the Democratic establishment for failing to be forthright with the public. If The Washington Post is not part of the Democratic establishment, then it is certainly the house organ or hometown paper for it, and has been for many years. Given that fact, and given the record of what the Post did and did not say about Biden during his presidency, it takes remarkable chutzpah for the Post to run an editorial three days after the election titled “Trying to Protect Biden, Democrats Sacrificed Their Credibility.” Their credibility?
A month after Trump's first term began, the Washington Post adopted their smarmy, self-regarding slogan of "Democracy dies in Darkness."  Then they spent the last three-and-a-half years contributing to that darkness.

Read the whole thing.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Fun week ahead

The Corner: "Judge Merchan Wants to Sentence Trump Next Friday." 


Fox News: "Washington Post cartoonist quits after paper pulls her cartoon depicting Post owner Bezos groveling to Trump."

We have our narrative and we're stickin' to it

Unintentional humor from this Boston Globe editorial: "Confidence in judicial system hits the skids."  They cite a Gallup poll showing a collapse in trust in the judiciary:

A year of widening political divisions ended with the sobering news that confidence in the nation’s judicial system has also taken a hit, dropping to a record low 35 percent, according to the most recent Gallup poll.

Between 2020 and 2024, public confidence in the judicial system plummeted 24 points — from 59 percent to 35 percent — a precipitous decline.

The entirety of the editorial suggests that this drop in trust is because Clarance Thomas took some gifts from a donor who had no business in front of the Supreme Court.

In the original source material, the Gallup report mentions Thomas not once but does take note of one factor that contributes to Americans' distrust in the legal system: lawfare against Trump.

However, the 17-point drop under Biden signals that something profound occurred to atypically shake his opponents’ confidence in the courts -- with the various legal cases against Trump likely factors. Similarly, the 18-point decline in confidence in the judicial system between 2023 and 2024 among those who approve of their country’s leadership may also be related to Trump’s legal cases, reflecting dissatisfaction with several circuit court and Supreme Court decisions that went in Trump’s favor.

Emphasis added.  Lawfare against Trump is not mentioned at all in the Boston Globe editorial.  Gosh, darn, it's gotta be that Dobbs decision and nothing else.

Friday, January 03, 2025

TBH he probably doesn't know he did it

Reason: "Blocking the U.S. Steel Sale Is a Perfectly Disgraceful End to Biden's Political Career - It's a disgraceful decision that serves as a perfect epitaph for Biden's political career."
The decision to block U.S. Steel's acquisition by Nippon Steel is the perfect coda to President Joe Biden's political career.

By intervening in the private business affairs of the two companies, Biden is demonstrating once again his expansive view of executive power, hubristic sense of government's ability to order economic affairs, and willingness to stretch the definition of "national security" to justify his big government agenda even when there is plainly no national security threat.

Those elements have been central to Biden's political persona for decades. Even as his charisma and mental facilities have failed, they remain. From his earlier support for the drug war, the USA PATRIOT Act, and Obamacare to his administration's attempts at broad student loan forgiveness and inflation-inducing Bidenomics, Biden has rarely been deterred by norms or laws that limit federal power or by economic good sense. If there's something Biden wants to do, he'll simply find a way to do it.
To be fair, I believe Trump also supported the merger block.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Believe the science

And the math.  WSJ: "Green Electricity Costs a Bundle - The data make clear: The notion that solar and wind power save money is an environmentalist lie." - "For every 10% increase in solar and wind share, the electricity cost increases by more than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. This isn’t an outlier; these results are substantially similar to 2019, before the effects of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine." 

Where's Jackie?

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

2024: The year of vindication

This post is going to be a little bit of stream of consciousness so bear with me.  I've been doing this blog for twenty-two (22) years now (!) but this past year feels to me like the accumulation of all my predictions come true.  Sure, I thought Romney could win in 2012 but I also thought Trump would lose in 2016 so it all balances out.

Above all, one theme I've come back to is that the mainstream media is irredeemably biased and incapable of objectivity.  And, brother, this year not only proved that theory but showed that the mainstream news is dead.

Dead.  Pining for the fjords dead.  It's an ex-media.

This happened in June 2024:
Washington Post publisher and CEO William Lewis had a blunt message for his staff during a tense meeting following the sudden ouster of executive editor Sally Buzbee, according to the paper's own reporting. 

"We are going to turn this thing around, but let’s not sugarcoat it. It needs turning around," Lewis told the paper. "We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. Right. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore."
Man, I still love reading that line: "I can't sugarcoat it anymore."  The great halving of audience has occurred all across the news media landscape. 

It's my opinion that this all started with Obama: 2008 is the year where the mainstream media either let the mask drop or threw aside fairness (take your pick).  But then Trump came along and the media turned that bias up to eleven.  Greg Gutfeld has it exactly right: anti-Trumpism drove every narrative and buried every story remotely critical of the other side.  It all came crashing down on June 27th when it was exposed that the media had conspired - yes, conspired - to cover up Joe Biden's obvious infirmity.

The same media that conspired to bury Hunter's laptop and pushed the Russia Russia Russia hoax.  The same "news" sources that told us that inflation wasn't serious and acksually we're doing so much better than, um, England right now.  Also, that southern invasion is all in your mind.  I could go on and on.

Do you know why there was no blowback at Trump's false insistence that "they're eating the pets" in Springfield, Ohio?  Because trust in the media is so low that a wide majority of Americans just dismissed the media's reporting.  There they go again.

Too late, the media is trying to reverse course.  The LA Times and Washington Post both declined to endorse Kamala for President.  CNN brought in Scott Jennings to inject some sanity to the network.  Joe "Best Biden Evah!" Scarborough made the pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump's ring.

As Carole King would say: it's too late baby, now it's too late.

Americans have moved on to alternative news sources and podcasts.  One Joe Rogan interview pulls more eyeballs than a month of MSNBC now because nobody is buying what they're selling.

Side note: after the disgraceful ABC News Presidential debate I believe we've seen the last Presidential debate run by a "news" network.

A new Trump presidency has started and we'll see if the media has learned anything but I reckon they will fall back into their echo chamber quickly.  The mainstream media is like Bruce Willis in the Sixth Sense now: they're dead and they don't know it.

Wonderful, delicious vindication.