Thursday, July 04, 2024

Kamala or bust?

The Washington Post has an opinion piece titled "If not Biden, who?"  I LOL'd at this comment:
You all live in a fantasy world. How do you think the Democratic base would respond to the VP, a woman and POC getting passed over? I mean, do you guys actually get paid to come up with this fan ficition? The Post is slipping, and slipping fast.

That's not to mention that almost none of the money raised nor the campaign apparatus would transfer to a replacement candidate. Again, this entire piece is just fantasy world stuff.
What's funny is that (allegedly) Biden decided to run for re-election because he believed that only he could defeat Trump and Kamala would be a disaster.  Now the Democrats are trapped in their own identity politics snare.

I believe (and the betting markets agree) that Kamala will be the nominee, mostly due to the campaign funding rules.  Biden won't resign and he won't be driven out by the 25th Amendment; there is zero chance he'll allow himself to go down in history in that manner.  But I think he'll be forced out as the nominee (somehow) and the Democrats will throw in behind Kamala.

[cringey cackle]


Anonymous said...

You mean the democratic party is going to disenfranchise the dozens of people who voted for Biden in the primaries? This will cause the end of democracy as we know it. The DNC must protect democracy at all costs and keep Biden and the will of the people on the ballot, anything else is unamerican.

Eric said...


Anonymous said...

Now it's August. Hahaha indeed.