Monday, July 01, 2024

Everything's fine!

Washington Post: "Biden team circulates poll showing no change in race after bad debate."

Keep calm and support Joe, Democrats.


Anonymous said...

So, Mr. Senate Democrats Are Gonna Sorely Regret Nuking The Institutional Rules Once The Minority Becomes The Majority Ha Ha Ha...

...Nothing to say about this lawless Supreme Court's ahistoric, autocratic power grab? Because nothing to say says a lot.

Anonymous said...

I want to say I feel pity for you, as you stand there and watch the walls fall in on you from multiple directions at once.

But I just can't make myself say it.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the impaired worldview of an American citizen who giggles about this terrible Supreme Court decision because it's impeding "them" first. He'd happily break the nation to break a losing streak.

Anonymous said...

I just hope there's good, high-quality video available on YouTube of the missions Trump sends Seal Team 6 on.

Anonymous said...

What a sick burn, trollbro.

From bleating and crying about an imaginary "weaponized Department of Justice" to guffawing about the prospect of a real one. Which will then be available to all Presidents, including the next President you hate.

Maybe you should get your stage giggling in now.

Anonymous said...

I'll drop you some good news, since it's obvious you really, really need it. Although I might like to see Trump go all scorched earth and seek merciless (prosecutorial) vengeance, the simple fact is he doesn't have a vengeful bone in his body. [SEE: The special prosecutor for Hillary.]

Very stupid on his part especially since the next president I hate will once again not have mercy. So though you Democrats have no understanding of mercy and deserve none, you're going to get it anyway.