Sunday, July 14, 2024

Biden's position on assassination: he's against it

Twitchy: "Biden Delivers Short Statement on 'Not Appropriate' Attempted Assassination of His Political Rival."  No questions were taken before Joe shuffled away.  But thank heaven he clarified his feelings about political violence.

Allegedly, Biden is going to punish us with an Oval Office address tonight and there's only one thing I want to hear from him.  I want him to acknowledge just a soupcon of blame for violent rhetoric.  For example, the day before the Trump shooting, Biden said at a rally: "Americans want a president not a dictator."

This is all part of a long list of rhetoric about the "existential threat to democracy."

Extra - Fox News: "Swing district Dem calls out parties' 'dangerous lies': 'Democracy or authoritarianism' - Lawmaker condemns language painting opponents as 'fascist'."  Good for you, buddy.

The Paper of Record:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing I want to hear from him. I want him to acknowledge just a soupcon of blame for violent rhetoric.

Good lord, you're oblivious. Complaining about the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye, and paying no attention to the F-ing lumber yard in your Republican presidential candidate's eye.