Saturday, July 13, 2024

Assassination attempt on Trump

He is "safe" according to the Secret Service but early reports are that a shooter with a rifle somehow got shots off and Trump was hustled off stage with a bloodied ear.

A witness on BBC said the shooter had his head blown off.  This is all very preliminary.

Biden, four days ago: "So, we're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye." 

Update via TMZ: "4:21 PM PT -- A source who has spoken with a member of the Secret Service tells TMZ, Trump was not hit by a bullet. Rather, a bullet hit his teleprompter and the glass struck him by the ear."

Update - Statement from the White House.

By the way, this appears to be a stunning failure by the Secret Service.

Update - "5:07 PM PT -- The Associated Press reports the shooting is officially being investigated by as an assassination attempt on ex-President Trump. The would-be assassin has yet to be identified, but is confirmed to be dead." 

This is the guy I saw on BBC saying he saw the whole thing:

Update - Live blog from Red State with more updates. 

Update - Trump released a statement on Truth Social that stated he was shot in the ear with a bullet.

Update - Map from the NY Post:

Somebody said when the President is in town, all the hotels hundreds of yards around the POTUS hotel need to keep their curtains closed at all times.  Yet the Secret Service didn't check out a line-of-fire building about a football field away.

Final update - Give this photographer the Pulitzer right now:


Anonymous said...

Where is our resident leftist? The guy who responds with 'the Narrative' every time, no matter the facts? It is the current Democrat Party, and their relentless, unhinged fiction about Trump, the Supreme Court, and anyone right of Nancy Pelosi that has led us to this sad, but predictable, day. A man went to a rally to support his candidate for President, and died of a shot to the head today. We ALL dodged a bullet that Trump didn't meet the same fate. Democrats, in the intemperance of their deranged secular religion, have brought us to this point. They have tried to impede, impeach, imprison, demonize, and destroy Donald Trump. Now, that their internal polls are telling them that ALL of that has failed, they have tried to kill him, but, instead they killed what is for them just another disposable American citizen, and seriously injured others. They won't care, except for how it affects the election. This is a war. As Trump said to the crowd today, "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!"

Eric said...

Somebody said it well: Trump wasn't the only one who dodged a bullet last night. The country would have burned to the ground if Trump had been assassinated.

Anonymous said...

Resident leftist here. I was out of the country for just over a month. It was fantastic.

Did I miss anything?

Your party thinks Donald Trump's hate-mongering, lies and slander are entertaining.

Your party thinks that assault weapons should be easy to obtain. Congratulations.

I know that you wrote what you wrote in an emotional spasm, before any real facts about the shooter came out. But nevertheless...

The would-be assassin wasn't one of "they" -- he was yours. A registered Republican, living in a house with pro-Trump yard signs out front. Your knee-jerk murder accusation against the "Democrat Party" says a lot.

You did not return here once you were in a calmer mood to correct your angry errors. That shows you to be relentless, unhinged, intemperate, and especially sad but predictable. Much much moreso than the uncaring Democrat Party that you just KNEW "tried to kill" Donald Trump. Not your finest hour.