Thursday, December 31, 2020
Farewell 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Maybe 2020 is going out on a high note
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Think different about slave labor
Monday, December 28, 2020
But, but, the science
I think at this point it’s pretty clear that Californians ignored the public health guidance and engaged in inside, maskless, “singing, chanting and shouting” at their Thanksgiving gatherings while Floridians actually listened to their nonexistent gathering restrictions
— IM (@ianmSC) December 24, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
This is mental illness
I think I fixed our refrigerator
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Oh that's not news
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Peace on Earth
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
New York needs taxes
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Finished binge-watching "Dexter"
Friday, December 18, 2020
And then a miracle occurred
Maybe Cuomo can write another book about the fine job he did
Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to insist a new shutdown is not inevitable, even as the state set a new single-day case record Friday (along with a record number of tests) and Mayor Bill de Blasio continues to insist that another round of restrictions is not only necessary in New York City but needs to come soon.
There are two great tragedies that will forever be the legacy of this pandemic: the loss of lives, of course, and the loss of livelihoods brought about by lockdowns that may not have even helped.If any of what the petty tyrants have been peddling about masks and staying at home were true, then California would be one of the safest places on Earth right now.Instead, it’s just a tragic place dealing with a rapidly growing population of people who are both sick and broke, thanks to all the science and helping.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Listen to the scientists
Despite enacting some of the country’s toughest measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, California is emerging as the latest epicenter of the U.S. outbreak.On Thursday, the state reported a staggering 52,000 new cases in a single day — equal to what the entire U.S. was averaging in mid-October — and a one-day record of 379 deaths. More than 16,000 people are in the hospital with the coronavirus across the state, more than triple the number a month ago.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
"The fault belongs to you, and so does the debt."
Federalist: "Mike Rowe: I Don’t Want To Pay For Your Useless College Degree."
It's absolute insanity to ask blue-collar workers to pony up for your gender studies degree.
The Left hates free speech, a continuing series
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Insurers to Portland: LOLGF
Do you remember a few months ago during the peak of the BLM/Antifa rioting when Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) were either silent about the violence, or they actually praised property destruction and looting? As for the lives and businesses destroyed, they just dismissed the damage as harmless because “insurance will pay for it.”NPR actually spent your tax dollars to advocate for looting, publicizing Vicky Osterweil’s book “In Defense Of Looting” and effectively endorsing the book with its tongue-bath of an interview.You’ll never guess what happened next.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Fact-checkers are on the case
Saturday, December 12, 2020
The MSM prepares for its 4-year nap
Friday, December 11, 2020
Democracy dies in darkness, and how
It's now clear that the Hunter Biden story was real, with Hunter himself acknowledging a federal probe into his taxes — one that reportedly began in 2018. Really, it was always clear. Yet, when the New York Post broke the details, virtually the entire journalistic establishment and left-wing punditsphere defamed the newspaper, claiming it was passing on Russian “disinformation” or partisan fabrications.The political media quickly began pumping out process stories about the alleged discord in the Post’s newsroom and about the problems with the reporting. In so doing, of course, they did practically no reporting on the substantive allegations that Joe Biden’s family had spent years cashing in on his influence. Tech companies, spurred on by these censorious journalists, shut down the account of one of America’s most-read newspapers to inhibit users from reading the story. It was completely unprecedented.
“Collusion” was perhaps the media’s favorite word these past four years, even when it wasn’t true. But you know what real collusion looks like? It’s when left-leaning media, that is the media in general, decide en masse that something is “not a story” because it harms their preferred political candidate.That’s a key takeaway from Wednesday’s bombshell news revealing a federal probe of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, that reportedly involves e-mails from his laptop — which The Post reported on exclusively in October. We even noted back then that the FBI had seized the computer and hard drive; Fox News later confirmed that it was part of an FBI money-laundering probe.Other media outlets didn’t just ignore the story; they tried to suppress it. Then social media stepped in, preventing the story from being posted (Facebook) and even banning The Post (Twitter).
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Swalwell must lose his seat on the Intel committee
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Swalwell falls into the honey pot
Tuesday, December 08, 2020
I hurt my singing box
I woke up this morning with a sore throat, so I was a little nervous in this age of covid. However, it faded by midday. The only explanation I can offer is that "Wichita Lineman" came on the radio yesterday and I was singing "I am a lineman for the county!" - loudly - in my car.
Monday, December 07, 2020
Nice work if you can get it
Fox News: "New York’s threatened lockdown spares ‘SNL’ once again as show uses COVID loophole to keep in-person audience." Here's the loophole:
As previously reported by Fox News, the comedy show is said to have skirted strict coronavirus regulations in the Big Apple by paying audience members $150 for their participation in the season premiere this fall. This would allow the program to consider live audience members paid individuals who “work” for the show.
So, if I'm reading this correctly, a bar could sell you a beer for $155 and then pay you $150 to engage in the performance art of drinking it.
At this point it's more than obvious that there's one set of rules for Hollywood types and another set of rules for the rest of us.
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Friday, December 04, 2020
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
The grievance shakedown
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
The struggle sessions are real
The school-wide November 5th Zoom call, a recording of which has been preserved, was hosted by Wendy Raymond, Haverford’s president. At the time, the elite Pennsylvania liberal arts college was a week into a student strike being staged, according to organizers, to protest “anti-blackness” and the “erasure of marginalized voices.” During the two-hour-and-nine-minute discussion, viewed in real time by many of the school’s 1,350 students, Raymond presented herself as solemnly apologetic for a litany of offenses. She also effusively praised and thanked the striking students for educating her about their pain, while “recognizing that I will never understand what it means to be a person of color or be black or indigenous in the United States. I am a white woman with considerable unearned privilege.”
Since 2015, when Yale rolled over in response to student harassment of two husband-and-wife faculty members, such self-abasement rituals have become common—even if the prevalence of teleconferencing during the COVID-19 pandemic has given us an unprecedented opportunity to watch them unfold.
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia
Monday, November 30, 2020
These adjectives all check out
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Sports will be offered with your wokeness sermon
Friday, November 27, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
That one time Bill Belichick smiled
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Newsom's fancy dinner: from tone-deaf to criminal?
Newsom can receive up to $500/year in gifts from someone who’s not a registered state lobbyist.Could they get around that restriction by claiming it was Newsom’s wife who received the gift, and not the Governor? Nope. A gift to Jennifer Siebel Newsom is considered a gift to Gavin Newsom for the purposes of FPPC reporting.If someone else paid for Newsom’s dinner, the only possible way that could be done without skirting required financial disclosure rules would be if his longtime friend, the birthday boy, paid for the dinner, and if none of the lobbyist birthday boy’s clients had business currently before the state.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Our national narrative molders, beclowned again
Life comes at you pretty fast.
— Alan RM Jones (@AlanRMJones) November 23, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Bill de Blasio engineers a crime wave in NYC
"The City Council pretty much took away the ability of the NYPD to make arrests," SBA President Ed Mullins told Fox News. "We have cops out there right now that are hesitant to grab anybody simply out fear that if it goes bad we may get ourselves arrested."
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Goodbye, all. It has been a crazy four years.See you all back here the next time a Republican is president.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Listen to the science
Well, that's some consolation
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Sinking into resignation
Sociologists argue that one reason that the public has perhaps become more apathetic towards media coverage about the virus because it's become too redundant and often, alarmist.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Enchantment II: Lapdog media redux
Monday, November 16, 2020
Oh that's different
Criticism of Mr. Obama’s stance on press freedom, government transparency and secrecy is hotly disputed by the White House, but many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
The end times are nigh
Glenn Greenwald: "The Ongoing Death of Free Speech: Prominent ACLU Lawyer Cheers Suppression of a New Book" - "Free speech has always been more than a Constitutional guarantee: it's also a crucial societal value. And it's more imperiled than ever."
We always knew the ACLU was exactly what we thought it was. Now we know it's true.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Bipartisanship returns to Washington
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Sounds like one Senate runoff is in the bag
Far more interesting here is the fact that today is the first time we’re hearing about any of these Warnock issues. Did Democrats even bother to do any due diligence before lining up behind Warnock?
If a Republican helped run a camp for children that was investigated for child abuse—and then was arrested for trying to block the investigation—the media would be asking a lot of questions.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) November 11, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
The (election) night Chicago died
One of the most surprising results of the 2020 election was the defeat, in Illinois, of a state constitutional amendment to permit a progressive income tax. The Graduated Income Tax Amendment would have eliminated the Illinois constitutional requirement that tax rates remain flat across incomes. Its defeat is likely the most important political event for the state since I moved here 18 years ago. The proposed change in the state constitution was an effort by the dominant Democratic Party to continue its model of high taxes and high spending to support the base of its political muscle—public-sector unions. The party retains control of the legislature and the governor’s office, but it is politically cornered. Legislatively, it faces a choice between a reform agenda that would undermine its political base or a substantial tax increase on every working citizen.
Monday, November 09, 2020
Sunday, November 08, 2020
Then there's this silver lining
Friday, November 06, 2020
It's a mass movement
New York Times surprised they botched it again
Blindsided by Trump's surprise victory [in 2016], the Times pledged to examine whether it had underestimated the depth and breadth of his support, and to rededicate itself to understanding and reflecting "all political perspectives and life experiences."As the kids say, LOL. The paper's coverage of the 2020 presidential election was not only as misleading as it was four years ago, it was misleading in the same way, overstating the odds of Democrats everywhere thanks, at least in part, to a belief in race and gender as the defining features of American politics. Identity politics has come to define the New York Times, but the country isn't so monolithic.
Thursday, November 05, 2020
In which I kick the media while it's down
The media blew this election in an even more extravagant fashion than the last one....This election is as much a repudiation of the media as it is supposed to be a wake-up call for Democrats, but neither group will actually recognize that. The GOP made gains in the House and kept the Senate. The Democratic Party is about to enter its own civil war. But the media is going to focus on the defeat of Trump as the real victory and that everything else can be ignored.And if Trump is really the loser here, that’s all they care about. They will stay inside their little bubbles and not come out for another four years… but in four years, the GOP will be on the rise again while Democrats struggle to figure out who their base is and what it wants.
We all make mistakes, and most of us try to avoid them. The problem with the unholy news-polling-social media-industrial complex is that the mistakes are so numerous and predictable that they begin to feel intentional.Worse, all the mistakes run in one direction. What are the odds of that happening honestly?
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
Media polls 2020: The Clown-en-ing
At this point, it's looking likely that Sleepy Joe will eke out a victory with the barest of margins in the electoral college. This was a huge surprise among the A+ pollsters who consistently overestimated Biden's support in all the battleground states.
In the House, the Cook Political Report predicted:
We now view a Democratic net gain of 10 to 15 seats as the likeliest outcome, with anything from five to 20 seats well within the realm of possibility.
End result as of this writing? The Republicans have picked up +5 seats in the House and moderate Democrats are talking about replacing Nancy Pelosi.
How about the Senate?
Democrats remain the clear favorites to take back the Senate with just days to go until Election Day.
Oh, do tell. At this writing, the Democrats are at +1 and they might pick up another, to keep Chuck Schumer as minority leader. But I understand: until a week before election day, Joni Ernst in Iowa was consistently trailing behind Theresa Greenfield. In North Carolina, Thom Tillis had been trailing in every poll since October 22nd. Then there's the Maine Senate race where incumbent Susan Collins hasn't been above water since February, has been trailing in fundraising, and has been left for dead...before winning by eight percentage points.
Pollster Frank Luntz had the decency to point out the obvious:
"The political polling profession is done," leading Republican pollster Frank Luntz tells Axios. "It is devastating for my industry."
How did we get to this state where polling is nearly meaningless? Well, I would say it's because a large portion of America sees the inherent bias in the mainstream media and says "no thanks."
Now we're in a death spiral where nobody believes the media and therefore people hide their true feelings, resulting in completely bogus polls, which hurts the credibility of the media. Rinse and repeat.
After Trump's surprising win in 2016, the media swore they would do better to understand the concerns of people who don't go to Zabar's for bagels. Maybe find somebody who owns a pickup truck. But no, they pour the contempt on middle America and middle America pours their contempt right back.
Corrupt media pollsters never cared about getting the results right. They were paid to get the narrative right.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 4, 2020
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
Getting tired
Suddenly a coin toss
Let's rip this band-aid off
I voted, for what that's worth in The People's Republic of Massachusetts.
This is a crazy year, so who knows what's going to happen. But the Real Clear Politics average shows that Biden has a +2.3% advantage in the battleground states. Just for comparison, Hillary went into election day with a +1.1% advantage over Trump.
In 2016, Hillary had a +6.5% aggregate lead in Wisconsin; Biden has a +6.7% lead. Hillary led by +1.9% in Pennsylvania; Biden leads by 1.2%.
So if we see a repeat of the "shy Trump" voter surge, it could be deja vu all over again.
Monday, November 02, 2020
It's almost over
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Just a stray observation: I had no idea daylight savings time ended last night. And, frankly, I might have kept on not-knowing except for the fact that the clocks on the wall were wrong.
Otherwise, all my modern devices adjust the time automatically: cell phone, Fitbit, cable box, Google Home, etc. I might have gone on with my day with the vague impression I got an extra hour of sleep.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Sign of these crazy times
Kicked to the curb
Carry that water
Thursday, October 29, 2020
The big picture
Not even hiding the bias
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
All opinions are welcome that agree with ours
Monday, October 26, 2020
Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Because of course they did
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Oh, that's unverified...because we refuse to verify it
Fun's over
"Biden's campaign platform is 564 pages long. It promises everything to everybody. It's full of unicorns and flying ponies and candy-flavored rainbows and pixie dust. And when those flying ponies glide with the marzipan rainbows and pixie dust starts to gum up the works of society … we're going to be in for a mess … But on the other hand, I think we're done with this experiment of having the inmates run the asylum."
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Democrats hoisted by their petard one more time
The idea of the boycott was to prevent Graham from having a quorum for the vote, delaying the process indefinitely. Graham took a page from the 2013 playbook of Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid and decided to change the precedent, reverting to general Senate rules on committee hearings rather than Judiciary Committee rules. The former do not require anything other than a simple majority to conduct official business.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
The fifth column
When the press takes sides so openly and nakedly, and is joined by social media giants, we have reached a level of partisan information control I thought I’d never see in this country. But that’s where we are. And it’s in service of a candidate who has always been of mediocre intelligence at best and is now cognitively faded, who is almost certainly corrupt, who has been wrong on almost every important issue that exists, is a long-term liar and plagiarist, and will be putty in the hands of the most extreme leftists in his party who hate America and capitalism and want both destroyed.
Weak deflection, Gray Lady
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Joe, what was the most enchanting thing about your milkshake?
Rich Lowry: "The Biden Protection Racket."
Never before have the media been so openly fearful of asking or reporting something that might hurt a presidential candidate. What are supposed to be the animating values of our adversarial press — informing the public, getting answers, holding the powerful to account — have all been subordinated to the protection racket that is coverage of Joe Biden.
Classic reference in the title.
Monday, October 19, 2020
The media isn't even pretending anymore
An avuncular Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor, Jim Lehrer, or Abe Rosenthal at least went through the motions of reporting news that was awkward or even embarrassing to the Left. Their agenda was 1960s-vintage Great Society liberalism, seen as the natural evolution from the New Deal and post-war internationalism. Edward R. Murrow, the ACLU of old, and Free Speech Movement at Berkeley—these were their liberal referents. Those days are gone.Yet even during the Obama years, when studies showed the president had received the most slanted media honeymoon in news history, overt media bias was, at least, as hotly denied as it intensified. There were still a few ossified, quarter-hearted efforts now and then to mention the IRS scandal, the surveillance of Associated Press reporters, the various scandals embroiling the Veterans Administration, General Service Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and the Secret Service. But even that thin pretense is over now, too.
When early on in the Trump Administration, the liberal Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy found that in the first 100 days all news coverage was on average 80 percent anti-Trump—93 percent negative in the case of CNN and NBC—no one seemed embarrassed.
On the rare occasion that the media gets to ask Joe Biden a question, they ask him what flavor milkshake he got.
— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) October 18, 2020
Really. That was the question.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
Just another undecided voter
Thursday, October 15, 2020
I was looking forward to his unbiased debate moderation
Prepare to be shocked. Ace: "Shocker: Allegedly Unbiased "Journalist," Former Biden Intern, and Would-Be Moderator of Second Debate Admits He... Lied Like Anthony Weiner in Claiming He Was "#HACKED!"
In his apology, Steve Scully deployed the "this damn war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson!" excuse to blame Trump for goading him into exposing his lies.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Nothing to see here, move along
Boy, I bet Brett Kavanaugh wishes this new "total suppression of stories that haven't been 100% solid-gold verified" standard had been in effect during his confirmation hearings.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 14, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Sheldon Whitehouse mansplains for 30 minutes straight
Monday, October 12, 2020
"Things we don't like are illegal"
Sunday, October 11, 2020
What media bias? The AP falls in line with the new narrative.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Debate prep is for losers, apparently
The voters don't need to know that
Friday, October 09, 2020
What a terrible pattern of hacking
This is a good time to remind everyone that Scully was a former intern for Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy. He has a long history of supporting Democrats, including posting glowing pictures with Biden as recently as 2016. He also shared Never Trump material during the previous presidential cycle.Scully has deleted his account now.
Thursday, October 08, 2020
What exactly are we doing here?
I've been complaining about the decline of discussion on the Sunday morning talk shows for a long time. I'm old enough to remember when New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan would go on "Meet the Press" and - imagine this - answer questions. He was a happy warrior who would state his positions without obfuscation or ambiguity. I miss that guy.
Then there was the Vice Presidential debate. Real Clear Politics: "Few Interruptions, Even Fewer Straight Answers."
This began early in the night with a double dodge of the most pertinent question during a pandemic. Debate moderator Susan Page asked: Had they discussed safeguards or procedures with their running mates in case of presidential disability? Pence gave an unrelated answer about how Democrats had “undermined public confidence in a vaccine.” When it was her turn, Harris inexplicably talked about when Biden asked her to join the ticket, calling it “one of the most memorable days of my life.”
Page moved on. Her question went unanswered. The non sequiturs kept coming.
At one point, Pence turned a question about abortion into a meandering reply about the U.S. attack on Iranian intelligence commander Qasem Soleimani. Harris saw that gambit and raised him one: Asked if the next president should be transparent about his health records, Harris brought up Trump’s recently leaked tax returns.
What a waste of time. After one of the early Democrat debates, it was decreed that the raising of hands to indicate a clear-cut position on an issue was verboten. Too much honesty! Now news shows and campaigns and debates will only be the recitation of stale talking points.
Tuesday, October 06, 2020
2020 does it again
What happens when you can't level bogus charges
Coddling Grandpa Joe
Monday, October 05, 2020
LA isn't a big media market
Democrats very concerned about Senators' health
Democrats will need every vote they can get. With the midterm elections on the horizon, Washington is as polarized as ever and, for the second time in just over six months, President Obama’s agenda could once again hinge on Mr. Byrd’s health.In the final days of the health care debate, Mr. Byrd appeared for several crucial votes — pushed each time to the Senate floor in his plaid wheelchair and greeted by handshakes and applause from his colleagues. He spent six weeks in the hospital last spring with a staph infection, prompting persistent speculation about his health and who would replace him if he became too sick to finish his term.
Sunday, October 04, 2020
Another day, another bad faith argument for delay on ACB
Chuck Schumer has called for a delay in confirming Barrett because of the president’s COVID diagnosis. In other news, Schumer thinks the vote should be delayed because water is wet, because bears defecate in an arboreal setting, and because it is bad luck to confirm Republican nominees on days of the week ending in “y.”
Fox News’s Chris Wallace noted that the Judiciary Committee, of which Klobuchar is a member, has held virtual hearings before and that Klobuchar earlier praised the panel's chairman, Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), for arranging them.
The Senate has been holding virtual hearings already. That's not what this is about.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 4, 2020
Virtual hearings rob Schumer and the left of the protest spectacle of barnstorming into elevators and Code Pink screaming and dragged from the room. That's all this is about.
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Golden state
Reason: "California Is a Cautionary Tale for America - California bounds from one crisis to another; most of them being self-imposed."
Friday, October 02, 2020
A NYT editor ventures outside the bubble
Quinn also didn’t find evidence for the most popular counter-narrative on the Left either, which were that these were conducted by “white supremacists.” Antifa is exactly who everyone except media outlets like the NYT thinks they are — leftist “insurrectionary anarchists” who just want to watch the world burn....Unfortunately for Ms. Stockman, we don’t really have a Joker Award for Belatedly Discovering That Some People Want to Watch the World Burn. (Maybe that should be an Alfred Award, anyway.) However, we do have the Captain Louis Renault Award, and it applies well to an NYT editorial board member who is shocked, shocked to learn that her own paper can’t report on reality.
Actually, I think the more appropriate award would be the Pauline Kael trophy for political insulation:
"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes when I'm in a theater I can feel them."
Thursday, October 01, 2020
It's a mystery why this trend continues
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
CNN and NYT white-knighting for their guy
Regrettably, I mostly agree with this
If President Trump entered the debate trailing in most battleground states, as I believe he did, his performance served him poorly. I can’t believe he won over a single persuadable voter.Trump’s performance must also have cemented the negative perceptions held by voters who have turned against him. He carried his do not go gentle into that good night mode to wild excess. Perhaps it was President Trump who needed pharmaceutical assistance to dial it back. As it happened, I thought Trump interrupted Biden on a few occasions when a Biden brain freeze was in progress.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Well, that was fun
That was not a debate, but I think it was what we expected at least from Trump. Biden gave as good as he got but, once again, he lied repeatedly and was allowed to get away with it since we know the fact checkers will ignore them.
Prove me wrong, mainstream media. I didn't keep a running list but - off the top of my head - Biden lied about "very fine people", about the unproven Russian bounty story, the uncorroborated Atlantic story, about Hunter Biden's grift, his adherence to the Green New Deal, Kamala Harris badmouthing science, and his opposition to the travel ban.
On other issues, he refused to state his position on court packing in a Presidential debate, claimed Antifa was just an abstraction, and flip-flopped on election-year nominations to the Supreme Court.
Funniest quote tonight: "God save the transcribers."
Update - Hot Air: "Biden Told So Many Whoppers Last Night, Burger King May Sue Him."
Debate night!
Monday, September 28, 2020
The media is garbage, a continuing series
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Joe Biden's appeal is becoming more selective
Saturday, September 26, 2020
It's nomination day!
And that’s why the assumption that a Kavanaugh-esque spectacle won’t galvanize voters to back Trump is no small wager. Trump’s nomination of Barrett (or Lagoa, or another woman) isn’t going to change many minds about Trump among voters already inclined to oppose him either, but a failure to go all-out in smearing the nominee may well disenchant and disincentivize them to turn out at all. The upcoming confirmation hearing may not be entirely a win-win for the GOP, but it’s very clearly a lose-lose proposition for Democrats — which is why Republicans want to hold the hearing.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Is Joe Biden dying?
There is scant physical evidence that the former vice president and Democratic nominee is in town. His visits are scarcely publicized beforehand, logistical details are closely held and his event venues serve as much as video studios as places of gathering. Barely anyone is allowed near the candidate.
Usually, a party tries to avoid making the same mistakes that recent losing campaigns made. But Biden’s operation seems to be leaning into dangers that should be obvious. Hillary Clinton’s campaign was dogged by conspiracy theories about her health, ones that were dismissed by her cheerleading journalists until the very moment she seemed to collapse at a public event, and was thrown into the side of a van by her handlers.
“A reminder that it has been 42 days since Harris was tapped as the VP pick. There are 42 days until election day,” NBC News reporter Deepa Shivaram tweeted. “The senator has not once formally taken questions from the press.”
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Today's least-surprising news
Hunter loves coke and hookers
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Hygiene theater
Monday, September 21, 2020
Ready for the battle
“After the treatment of Justice Kavanaugh I now have a different view of the judicial-confirmation process,” Graham said. “Compare the treatment of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh to that of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan, and it’s clear that there is already one set of rules for a Republican president and one set of rules for a Democrat president. I therefor think it is important that we proceed expeditiously to process any nomination made by President Trump to fill this vacancy. I am certain if the shoe was on the other foot, you would do the same.”
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Because of course
Washington Post headlines on Scalia's passing and Ginsburg's passing
— Joe Bishop-Henchman (@jbhenchman) September 19, 2020