Now David Broder is buying into the argument that we should address Medicare before Social Security in “Fix Health Care First.” This is the same logic as “why should the police hand out speeding tickets when there are drug dealers on the street?” Yes, Medicare has funding problems of its own but if we can’t address the solvency of Social Security and the politics of retirement, how will we ever tackle the bigger and much more contentious issue of health care?
Background: “Report emphasizes shortfall in Medicare” – “The two independent trustees overseeing Social Security and Medicare broke with the Bush administration's trustees yesterday, saying Medicare's financial problems far exceed Social Security's and are in urgent need of attention.”
Extra reading: The Daily Debunker details dishonest DNC document. And Don Luskin explains to the NY Times why an IOU written to yourself is not really an asset.
I don't think we'll ever "fix" SocSec to the point that it will make a difference, and if you think the bluehairs are howling over losing their god-given right to retire at 59.5 and have some 21yo with a family finance their golfing lessons and condo in Florida, wait until you try to take away their free medical care.
I honestly think these two programs will destroy the US economy within the next 20 years and it is politically impossible to do anything about it.
Aren't I a ray of sunshine?
Sorry, that was me.
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