Saturday, October 02, 2004

Registered voters! Fraud!

This Newsweek poll is going to cause me to start huffing into a paper bag. Yes, it’s registered voters (not likely) and it was conducted in a tight window directly after the first Presidential debate – but still. I can only hope that in a couple of days it will sink in for Americans what a threat John Kerry poses to national security. Read through his statements, aside from the obvious lie that he’ll “never seek a permission slip” from other countries to defend America. Everything he says contradicts this.

What rankles is that President Bush was served a fat pitch to hit Kerry on his pathological ambiguity and outright flip-flops. Judging by his recent campaign stops, Bush seems to understand where he went wrong. Let’s hope he brings the same vigor to the second debate.


N.E. Republican said...

Eric, check out Jayson's post on the Newsweek poll. They are playing games with their sample to get the result they want.

Anonymous said...

"conducted in a tight window directly after the first Presidential debate"

From the Newsweek internals:

"Interviewing dates: September 30-October 2, 2004 (interviewing on 9/30 limited to the Pacific and Mountain time zones after the presidential debate concluded)" -

9/30 - a couple of hours worth of polling that ignored the Central and Eastern time zones;

10/1 - the only full day of polling conducted while the MSM was flogging its "Kerry comeback" spiel.

10/2 - survey completed in the morning because the results and the accompanying story were on Newsweek's site that afternoon.

36 hours worth of survey-taking? This was a rush job so that Newsweek could have the results in the next print edition of Newsweek, available Monday.