Sunday, January 12, 2025

The feckless mainstream media

I didn't mention this the other day because I'm just holding my breath and waiting for Dementia Joe to leave office in another week.  But here's an excerpt from his softball interview with USA Today:
But the fact is that we had a soft landing, no recession, and the interest rate was 9% when we came into office in the beginning. It was down to 2.34% now.
Assuming here that Biden meant "inflation rate" and not "interest rate" which makes no sense.  This isn't the first time Biden has lied about inflation and softball-tosser Susan Page did not stop to offer a correction.  As in "no, Mr. President, inflation was not 9% when you came into office."

Which leads to Adam Schiff on "This Week" this morning with Jonathan Karl: "Adam Schiff-for-Brains Lies About California Reservoirs (and John Karl Doesn't Fact Check Him)."

Another lie that doesn't get corrected on the spot.  Do you know why Democrats feel free to lie with impunity?  It's because they know their buddies in the mainstream media won't call them out.

Extra - To be fair, occasionally a "journalist" will do his/her job: "California Gov. Newsom tries to weasel out of blame with reservoir claim — is immediately called out." 

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