You'll be unsurprised to learn that - gosh darn it - Biden was forced into all these bad decisions because of Trump. Trump is the answer to every question and the excuse to every failing.
A critic might argue that Biden chose to serve as president and that these are the circumstances in which presidents might find themselves. But that is not true. The circumstances created by Trump’s rise are sui generis. One’s successor going after one’s family is not baked into the transfer of power in a democracy.
Orange Man Bad therefore Hunter must go free. Every time.
I would have to assume that you read it because you feel a moral obligation to continually verify that the Progressive Propagandists (formerly known as the Main Street Media, which they are obviously NOT anymore) are as bad or worse than we think.
One might assume also, that you have an IV drip of Valium to keep you from having a stroke due to extremely high blood pressure when reading this sort of dreck. I expect most of us wish we had one as well as we watch and read the complete pile of 💩 the PP has become.
Yeah, I read it to see what the Left/MSM thinks. It's always such echo chamber stuff.
I've learned over the years that if I read something that seems to totally agree with me - especially if it seems too good to be true- to do some research. Because at least nine times at of ten, it ends up not being true or at least grossly exaggerated.
But you might want to let the rest of us know where to get a IV drip of Valium!
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