Monday, July 29, 2024

What Harris position are we retconning today?

Retcon: "the act, practice, or result of changing an existing fictional narrative by introducing new information in a later work that recontextualizes previously established events, characters, etc."

I’ll say it again: This is creepy. If Harris has changed her position, she should say so. She should not deem correct characterizations of her previous stance as ex post facto illegitimate. And if she’s going to do so, the press should certainly not aid her in the endeavor. The responsible way for Politico to have covered this was to note that, having been criticized by the Trump campaign, Kamala Harris has reversed herself. “Kamala Harris changes her position on fracking” would have been a fair headline. Instead, we got yet another example of the media doing what the media always does: saying anything it has to do to ensure that Democrats are never embarrassed.
Must be nice.  Keep in mind that there are dozens of videos where Kamala endorses topics like seizing guns, stopping fracking, and eliminating private health insurance.  Like the border Czar flim-flam, the media is going to try to convince you it never happened.  

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Oh, so she *was* border czar

Just a brief excerpt from a March 2024 article urging Kamala to drop out as VP: "For the country’s sake, Vice President Harris should step aside"
As a presidential candidate in 2020, she followed the Democratic playbook on issues, except when she raised her hand in support of eliminating private health insurance. She also managed to imply that Biden was racist and segregationist, citing his long-ago stance against student busing. In her famous debate rebuke of Biden, she said she had been one of the little Black girls on one of those buses.
Her touché was short-lived. Harris ended her campaign in December 2019, citing a lack of financial resources. Next thing we knew, she was moving into the Naval Observatory. She was a colossal failure as border czar, a position she held briefly, and otherwise seemed to have gone undercover.
Thanks for the clarification, Washington Post.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Harris have a single achievement?

Let's see: Harris failed at the border, failed to do anything for voting rights, and now we have an update on this assignment: "Kamala Harris failed to connect one person with high-speed internet with $42.5 billion from infrastructure bill."
During his 2021 State of the Union address, President Joe Biden tapped Vice President Harris to lead the effort “because I know it will get done.”
There was - and is - no basis for this confidence. 

Media gaslighting

Salena Zito: "On Kamala Harris’s role, media cross border into outright lies." 

Friday, July 26, 2024

It was all a crazy dream

It was all a dream: "President [Joe] Biden is putting Vice President [Kamala] Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday," Axios reported in March 2021.

Now that Harris is running for president—and that the border is a mess, with migrant encounters hitting a record high at the end of last year and Biden implementing strict asylum restrictions last month to attempt to curb them—a lot of this reporting has been memory holed. It's embarrassing to Harris, and we can't have that, now, can we?

"Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign," reads the new Axios headline from yesterday, published by the same reporter who penned the March 2021 piece.
Old school reference here:

Questions for Kamala

Boston Globe: "Four policy questions Harris must answer ASAP to avoid being defined by Trump"

They are:
  1. How would a Harris administration handle the Middle East?
  2. Does she still believe that those crossing the border illegally didn’t actually break a law?
  3. Does she still believe in Medicare for All?
  4. Does she still support the Green New Deal? And what about fracking?
Good questions!

Here's another: when you realize that Biden was in cognitive decline?  "92% of voters blame Kamala Harris for Biden health coverup: poll." 

GMTA I guess

Me, a week ago: "How do you solve a problem like Kamala?"

The new question, I think, is "will Kamala debate?"  She says she will but will have to defend her voluminous past statements while facing an opponent who will surely come armed to the teeth with facts about her disastrous role in protecting the border. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Just making stuff up

DEI hire Kamala Harris is willfully lying about Project 2025, both in substance and its connection to Trump: "Harris Campaign Admits to Misleading Voters on Trump, Project 2025."  

I don't know either, man

Red State: "What was that?"  Biden's speech clarified exactly nothing.  It was just another campaign speech.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Self-indulgent crap

Biden's speech tonight sucked.  He didn't want to say it but he's dropping out because Trump was kicking his ass and instead painted himself as the savior of democracy.  All ego all the time.  Now go away.

Orwell would blush

Prepare the memory holes!  The media is on the case.  Hot Air: "The Gaslighting Is Off the Charts."

Kamala Harris is a DEI hire

Shot: "Florida lawmaker says calling Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' is like using the 'N word, racial slur'."

“To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally — and this is not kidding — the core strengths of America,” Biden said in the address, according to a White House website transcript. “That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President.”

“I call her laughing Kamala. You ever watch her laugh? She’s crazy,” Trump said at a Michigan rally on Saturday, shifting his focus on her as President Biden faced increasing pressure to drop out of the race. “She’s not as crazy as [former House speaker] Nancy Pelosi. Crazy Nancy.”

The Trump campaign had floated a new nickname for Harris in early July: Cackling Copilot Kamala Harris. But with Harris on track to be the Democratic nominee, Trump on Monday flipped to labeling her “ ‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala Harris” on his social media site. Other Republicans, including Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee, called Harris a “DEI hire” as vice president, a reference to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
This is such weak sauce.  What is misogynistic here?  What is racial?  It's just the same ol' special pleading for Kamala.  This is all they got.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democrats with bylines back to their old ways

Charles C. W. Cooke: "It Was Fun Having a Press Corps for a Month."
I wonder if America’s press might be willing to spare at least one of the journalists who are now trying to turn Kamala Harris into the second coming of Jesus Christ and keep him working on the Continuing Story of Joe Biden, who, if they hadn’t forgotten, is still the serving president of the United States — and will be for the next six months. I had predicted that as soon as the media got what it wanted — which was improving the electoral fortunes of the Democratic Party, and nothing else besides — it would drop its sudden interest in telling the truth about Biden’s health and move on, but Good Lord, when one sees it happen those predictions don’t make it any less jarring. If one were to plot the last three years on a timeline, one would end up with an extremely long line marked “Defend Joe Biden,” followed by a short line marked “Get Joe Biden Out Because He’s Losing,” followed by a new line marked “Defend Kamala Harris.” That trajectory marks many things, but none of them are journalism.
"Get Biden out because he's losing?"  Is that why Biden is leaving the race?  Or is it his health?  Why exactly is Biden dropping out of the race?

If we had any honest journalists in Washington, they would ask this question.

Monday, July 22, 2024

She seems nice

Open the Books: "VP Kamala Harris Had 92-Percent Staff Turnover During Her First Three Years" - "Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff. And Harris tried to hide it by claiming that her office is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)." 

It's not so shocking

Ace: "Shocker: The Cover-Up of Biden's Dementia Began In... October 2021."

Basically everything that Conservatives have been saying for the past three years (and more) was absolutely correct.  

Anybody see the movie "Dave"?

This 1993 movie is about a President who is incapacitated and a small inner circle of aides finds a look-alike to carry out policies in his stead.  It's kinda like "Weekend at Bernies" but with Kevin Kline.

Nobody has seen Joe Biden since Friday night.  It was left to his Chief of Staff to notify the Cabinet he wasn't running and the announcement was released on X by a mid-level staffer.  No video, not even a still photograph, has been produced to document this historic moment.

We need to ask: what the heck is going on here?  Can we get a picture of Joe holding up today's newspaper as proof of life? 

Extra - The Paper of Record: "America Just Kinda Curious If President Alive." 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Lawfare was all they had

Andrew McCarthy: "The Failure of Lawfare Exposed Biden."
If lawfare hadn’t collapsed, the June debate that we now see as the death knell of Biden’s reelection bid would never have happened. By the time the debate was scheduled, it was Biden, not Trump, who needed it. The Biden Justice Department’s federal trials of Trump on very serious charges had not materialized, the Georgia case had descended into total farce over Willis’s personal scandal, and the face of lawfare had become Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan prosecution, which is widely seen as a travesty that may actually have boosted Trump (particularly after the aforementioned civil trial, in which Arthur Engoron, an unabashed partisan Democratic judge, imposed a ludicrous half-billion-dollar judgment against Trump in a fraud case with no fraud victims).

With Trump relatively unscathed and not tethered to courtrooms, public attention shifted from the lawfare prosecutions to Biden’s deteriorating condition and abysmal record. His candidacy couldn’t survive it.
Biden's abysmal record is also Kamala's record.

Biden OUT

Fox News: "Biden ends bid for second term in White House as he drops out of his 2024 rematch with Trump" - "Biden quits amid rising Democrat calls to drop out after a disastrous debate"

This is an ignominious end for Biden who, even in his withdrawal letter, couldn't help but puff himself up as the greatest President since FDR.  Believe me: he's angry at YOU, America, for failing to recognize his wonderful and historic Presidency.

Also, let's be clear about this: the Democrats and the mainstream media conspired to hide Biden's decline all the way up to the election.  Once Biden was bereft of his teleprompter and note cards, it all fell apart.

Reminder - "Kamala Harris Helped Cover Up President Biden’s Infirmity".  She needs to answer for her role in the conspiracy.

There goes Michigan

Detroit Free Press: "Michigan poll: Trump's edge takes notable leap in battleground state." - "An exclusive new Free Press poll of likely Michigan voters shows former President Donald Trump has taken a notable 7-percentage-point lead over incumbent President Joe Biden in the state, a result certain to further worry Democrats already pushing for Biden to abandon his reelection bid." 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Guess they ain't friends no more

Red State: "As Biden 'Fumes' at Pelosi and Obama, Here's What May Delay Any Decision About Getting Out."

I thought Joe and Barack were BFFs:

Running on spite

The Times of Israel: "Report: Biden won’t give Netanyahu ‘satisfaction’ of quitting before PM’s trip to DC" - "US president, isolating with COVID-19, is said to be furious with top Democrats for pressure on him to quit following debate flop, but resigned to prospect of pulling out of race."

Very on-brand for Biden.  I still think he won't step down.

Is Biden alive?

The Corner: "It’s Quiet at the Biden Beach House in Rehoboth — Too Quiet."

For a guy who claims he's still running for President, Biden hasn't had a single public appearance since Wednesday although his campaign intern is still tweeting for him.

How do you solve a problem like Kamala?

NY Post: "Kamala Harris proves again she’s not a better candidate than Biden."

The betting money is shifting to Kamala but everybody seems to forget one thing about her: she's terrible.  On the other hand, dropping her from the top spot would be a tacit admission that she was a DEI hire never ready for the Presidency.  Which is it?

Friday, July 19, 2024


Wall Street Journal: "Trump Gunman Flew Drone Over Rally Site Hours Before Attempted Assassination - Discovery adds to growing list of stunning security lapses that almost led to former president’s killing."

Stunning is right.  Absolute clown show.

A show of endurance

Somebody at Reason liked Trump's speech: "Trump's Acceptance Speech Was Too Long—and Very Effective - He showed he's the boss of the GOP and that Joe Biden and the Democrats need to raise their game."
He put on a hell of a show not in spite of an overly long final soliloquy but because of it. Simply standing on his own two feet for a couple of hours while ranting, raving, joking, and raising his comically small fists was enough to raise the bar for Joe Biden and the Democrats in a way that virtually nobody saw coming even a few months ago.
He didn't even take a sip of water.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Speech is running looonnnngggg

About a half-hour ago, Trump said "I better finish strong" and then he kept on going.  The crowd is flagging as we approach midnight.

Wrap it up, man.

Greatest tag-team ever

The RNC had Hulk Hogan followed up with Rev. Franklin Graham.  What a combo.

Trump speaks tonight

Fox News says that he's completely re-written his speech and will not mention Biden at all.

As for me, I would love it if he opened with: "Friends, Republicans, Countrymen - lend me your ear."


The walls are closing in.  Biden is now below 8% in the Presidential betting markets.

Update - 9pm EST: 4.7%.


Every time I think this Trump shooting story can't get any worse, the Secret Service digs a little deeper: "Thomas Matthew Crooks hid rifle in advance of Trump rally sniper attack, Secret Service source says - Would-be Trump assassin hid rifle ahead of deadly rally shooting, source says."

"Should we sweep the area for guns and bombs?"
"Nah, it'll be fine."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Get well soon, Mr. President

Fox News: "Biden tests positive for COVID, White House says - Biden presented Wednesday afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, White House says." 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Crimes of omission

Federalist: "MSNBC Admits ‘Morning Joe’ Is Deeply Damaging To The Country."

The Slack discussion prior to pulling the plug must have been wild. 

It's J.D.

It's a good pick, balancing generations on the ticket, and appealing to both blue collar and Rust Belt voters.  I read his book, which was OK, and saw the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" which was bad.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Biden's position on assassination: he's against it

Twitchy: "Biden Delivers Short Statement on 'Not Appropriate' Attempted Assassination of His Political Rival."  No questions were taken before Joe shuffled away.  But thank heaven he clarified his feelings about political violence.

Allegedly, Biden is going to punish us with an Oval Office address tonight and there's only one thing I want to hear from him.  I want him to acknowledge just a soupcon of blame for violent rhetoric.  For example, the day before the Trump shooting, Biden said at a rally: "Americans want a president not a dictator."

This is all part of a long list of rhetoric about the "existential threat to democracy."

Extra - Fox News: "Swing district Dem calls out parties' 'dangerous lies': 'Democracy or authoritarianism' - Lawmaker condemns language painting opponents as 'fascist'."  Good for you, buddy.

The Paper of Record:

I saw it happen

Red State: "The Attempt on Donald Trump: A Date Which Will Live in Infamy."

I just wanted to mention that I was watching Trump's rally live when it all went down.  There was about a 15-second span where I thought he was dead.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Left's rhetoric incites violence

I wrote this back in December 2023: "The Washington Post calls for Trump's assassination."  

Totally called it.

Assassination attempt on Trump

He is "safe" according to the Secret Service but early reports are that a shooter with a rifle somehow got shots off and Trump was hustled off stage with a bloodied ear.

A witness on BBC said the shooter had his head blown off.  This is all very preliminary.

Biden, four days ago: "So, we're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye." 

Update via TMZ: "4:21 PM PT -- A source who has spoken with a member of the Secret Service tells TMZ, Trump was not hit by a bullet. Rather, a bullet hit his teleprompter and the glass struck him by the ear."

Update - Statement from the White House.

By the way, this appears to be a stunning failure by the Secret Service.

Update - "5:07 PM PT -- The Associated Press reports the shooting is officially being investigated by as an assassination attempt on ex-President Trump. The would-be assassin has yet to be identified, but is confirmed to be dead." 

This is the guy I saw on BBC saying he saw the whole thing:

Update - Live blog from Red State with more updates. 

Update - Trump released a statement on Truth Social that stated he was shot in the ear with a bullet.

Update - Map from the NY Post:

Somebody said when the President is in town, all the hotels hundreds of yards around the POTUS hotel need to keep their curtains closed at all times.  Yet the Secret Service didn't check out a line-of-fire building about a football field away.

Final update - Give this photographer the Pulitzer right now:

Listen to Bernie!

NY Times: "Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President"
Enough! Mr. Biden may not be the ideal candidate, but he will be the candidate and should be the candidate. And with an effective campaign that speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly. It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
I agree with Bernie: Democrats should rally around their commander-in-chief.

The opinion on Biden's fate is really bifurcated.  There are some commentators (like Bill Maher) who are absolutely convinced that Joe will be forced out while others (like me) just as firmly believe he will not.  What complicates the Democrats' coup is that Biden's press conference wasn't that bad and some recent polls actually show Biden tied or even ahead of Trump.  If you were Jill or Hunter, you would definitely be pushing that NPR poll under Joe's eyes and urging him to keep fighting.

The Washington Post joins the chorus

Washington Post: "Biden remains in denial. He needs to come to grips with reality." - "The time has come for the president’s allies to have a candid conversation with him."
Mr. Biden denies he is in political trouble and rejects negative polling results. We suspect Democratic fortunes would improve with a new national ticket.
Looks like the "Democracy dies in darkness" crowd doesn't believe in democracy for Joe.

August 9th

NY Post: "Bill Maher says Biden is ‘toast’, predicts date he will drop out of presidential race: ‘Walls will keep crumbling’

IIRC the reason why Biden needs to drop out now is that there are filing deadlines for each individual state and the switcheroo needs to get going.

Extra - High-school graduate Chuck Todd: "Chuck Todd stresses extreme urgency if Dems to jettison Joe: ‘They’ve got to do it this weekend’." 

I just want to save this for posterity

Friday, July 12, 2024

Your Friday funny

Townhall: "Biden's Call With Hispanic Lawmakers Goes Off the Rails."

According to reports, Dementia Joe showed up an hour late, the Hispanic lawmakers who were known to be adversarial to Biden were not allowed to ask questions, but when one suggested that Biden step down the call was abruptly cut short.

Biden said he had time for one more question. But the host — Rep. Linda T. Sánchez — ended the meeting anyway.

Still, Levin managed to get the last word. Soon after the call, the San Diego-area congressman became the 19th congressional Democrat to call on Biden to withdraw from the race.

*chef's kiss*

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden's Waterloo

I think tonight we'll see the end of Biden's presidency.  The media is wicked pissed that they've been misled by this White House and they're also embarrassed by their own bias.
A red-hot press corps — which feels ignored, used and deceived — will get its first true unfiltered crack at grilling President Biden, the most media-sheltered president of modern times. "The dogs are loose," a Biden adviser told us.
The White House press corps was flat-out lied to by Karine Jean-Pierre the other day and you can bet that every single question Biden gets tonight will be about his brain and "Where's Jackie?" moments.  Then he'll get annoyed the press isn't asking him about NATO and it will just spiral into a shouting match.

Rumor is there are Democrats waiting in the wings for this press conference so they can use it as the rationale to call for Biden to step aside.  That will happen no matter how he performs.

Update - Well, honestly, Biden didn't do as terribly as I expected.  That means he's going to hang in the race and nobody is going to shove him aside.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

What you saw with your own eyes

The Corner: "Remember When Biden Was Perfectly Fine at the Hollywood Fundraiser?"
The AP added, with the strong implication that something untoward was being done to the president, “The video is the most recent in a series of clips taken at public events, some of them edited, that are being used to suggest Biden is mentally and physically unfit for office.”

The White House strenuously denied that anything was amiss at the fundraiser.

And there it was left, until now, when it has suddenly become safe for Democrats to admit the truth. We’ve now learned from his op-ed that co-host George Clooney himself was dismayed by Biden’s condition at the event, and, according to former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau on CNN earlier, everyone he talked to at the fundraiser — everyone — knew there was something wrong with Joe Biden.
In case you missed it, Clooney confirmed that it wasn't just "one bad night" with Dementia Joe:
It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Unemployment up again

Outkick: "All-Black Radio Station Fires Host Who Interviewed Biden With White House-Supplied Questions." 

It's CYA-time in the mainstream media

The Corner: "The Media Want the Flaming Wreckage of the Biden Campaign to Explode — to Cover Their Tracks."
Don’t take my word for it, take Jill Abramson’s. Take Olivia Nuzzi’s, who just wrote an intolerable piece for New York magazine titled “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden” where she unwittingly revealed that she’d been sitting on this story for over half a year. Hence the media rage: They did their job — why, look at how enthusiastically they coordinated with the White House on the “cheap fakes” story a mere two weeks ago! — but Biden failed to keep up his end of the deal, and now he’s going to pay. Not for being a senile vegetable posing as commander in chief while directed by a coterie of Jill Biden’s secretaries, mind you, but for dropping the curtain and revealing how deep an inside game the press has always played with the Democrats. “We simply had no idea!” is not going to wash with an American public that itself has been deeply concerned with Biden’s decline for years, only to be told how ignorant we were for falling for “cheap fakes” and Fox News propaganda.
Emphasis added.  Much more background at Instapundit.

Everybody act surprised

Hot Air: "NYT: White House Supplying Radio Hosts with Questions for Biden Interviews."

It's funny how things that conservatives have been claiming for years have become conventional wisdom.  Something must have changed.

Friday, July 05, 2024

I'm going to say something nice about the press

Ya know, despite the claims of bias, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash did a good job at the one (and only) debate between Trump and Biden last week.  And then tonight - despite my reservations - George Stephanopoulos did a direct and honest interview with Joe Biden.

The quip about comparing crowds between Biden and Trump was deadly, man.

I mean, better late than never I guess.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Morning Joe

Yes, we noticed

Real Clear Politics: "They Lied to You"
"Democracy Dies in Darkness," reads The Washington Post's masthead slogan, conveniently adopted mere weeks after former President Donald Trump took office in 2017. Come again? We don't actually know who is running the country right now. It certainly isn't Uncle Joe. Now that is some serious "darkness."

Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done to us -- and to the republic.
The death spiral of the Washington Post is especially gratifying mostly due to this smug tagline.

Let's turn our attention to Kamala

NY Post: "Dems are kidding themselves: Kamala is a terrible — and terribly awkward — candidate." 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

About that "leaked" video

PJ Media: "Trump Says Biden Is ‘Quitting the Race’ and Brags That He ‘Got Him Out’."

This is just Trump trying to goad Biden into staying in the race. 

Kamala or bust?

The Washington Post has an opinion piece titled "If not Biden, who?"  I LOL'd at this comment:
You all live in a fantasy world. How do you think the Democratic base would respond to the VP, a woman and POC getting passed over? I mean, do you guys actually get paid to come up with this fan ficition? The Post is slipping, and slipping fast.

That's not to mention that almost none of the money raised nor the campaign apparatus would transfer to a replacement candidate. Again, this entire piece is just fantasy world stuff.
What's funny is that (allegedly) Biden decided to run for re-election because he believed that only he could defeat Trump and Kamala would be a disaster.  Now the Democrats are trapped in their own identity politics snare.

I believe (and the betting markets agree) that Kamala will be the nominee, mostly due to the campaign funding rules.  Biden won't resign and he won't be driven out by the 25th Amendment; there is zero chance he'll allow himself to go down in history in that manner.  But I think he'll be forced out as the nominee (somehow) and the Democrats will throw in behind Kamala.

[cringey cackle]

No notecards, George

Legal Insurrection: "ABC News Moves 15-Minute, Pre-Taped Biden Interview To Friday Primetime" - "It won’t help. And may well make things worse for Team Biden."

The general consensus is that this interview should be live or presented unedited.  I'm less concerned about ABC News doing some favorable editing than I am about allowing Biden to use notecards.  As I've said many times: he cannot function without a teleprompter, a laminated binder, or notecards

The Presidency isn't just reading a script.

"Fact-based reporting"

C'mon, man: there ain't gonna be a second debate

Hugh Hewitt: "Trump dominated the debate. He doesn’t need a second one." 

Not to worry.  It's one and done.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Money money money

Fox News: "Uncharted territory: Could campaign finances keep Biden on the ballot?" - "An FEC commissioner said there are 'too many hurdles' to replacing Biden as the nominee."

And now the Boston Globe

Boston Globe: "Why Biden should step aside." 

Harris is now higher in the betting market than Biden

That's it.  That's the headline.  Amazing.  

No, Joe, keep fighting!

NY Times: "Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race - The president’s conversation is the first indication that he is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta on Thursday."

Biden needed to staunch the bleeding immediately after the debate either with a free-form press conference or a contentious interview.  Instead, a week later, he has a softball interview planned with George Stephanopoulos who has been openly hostile to Trump in every appearance.  Nobody is going to buy what they're selling.

Flashback - just a week ago:
I know — I know — I know right from wrong.  (Applause.)  And I know how to do this job.  (Applause.)  I know how to get things done.  (Applause.)  And I know like millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up.  (Applause.)
Get up, Joe!  You need to work your 11-4 day.

Lot of resume updating in the West Wing

Legal Insurrection: "Report: ‘Anxiety is Only Increasing’ Inside Biden’s White House" - “Everyone is freaking the f*** out.” 

A conspiracy of lies

The Corner: "‘How Did the Media Miss the Biggest Story in American Politics?’ Some of Us Didn’t!"
I think the clearest answer is that a lot of people in the major mainstream media are really lousy at their jobs, because they wake up every morning asking, “How can I convince people that Democrats are good and Republicans are bad?” instead of asking, “What’s going on in the world, and what do my readers, viewers, or listeners need to know about it?”
The media has destroyed both itself and Joe Biden by covering up his infirmity for years as conservatives were posting "Weekend at Bernies" memes.


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Let's go Joe!

Fox News: "Biden donors 'freaked out' by his reliance on teleprompters at private fundraisers."

That's right: even at intimate events with friendly crowds, Biden can't recite his campaign talking points without a crutch.  I've known this for a while because if you compare the transcripts for these events they are identical.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Everything's fine!

Washington Post: "Biden team circulates poll showing no change in race after bad debate."

Keep calm and support Joe, Democrats.

Schedule update

The White House says Dementia Joe will give a statement on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling at 7:45pm tonight.

But - really - this is just an opening so that Biden can take some shouted questions and then declare that he's staying in the race.  That's the only reason they shoehorned in this last-minute event.

Update - Meh, no questions taken, just reading off the teleprompter and shuffling away.