Sunday, May 29, 2022

Everything's going swimmingly

Breitbart: "Food inflation jumps to 41-year high."

I went to a local restaurant last night and there was a sign out front saying: "Yeah, so, some of the prices may be higher than what's listed on the menu."

So there's that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UK inflation at a 40-year high.
Germany inflation at more than a 40-year high.
Spain inflation at more than a 40-year high.
Mexico inflation at more than a 20-year high.
Australia inflation at more than a 20-year high.
Peru inflation at a 20-year high.
Japan inflation at a 20-year high.
Turkey inflation at a 20-year high.
Netherlands inflation at a 20-year high.
Indonesia inflation at more than a 20-year high.
Poland inflation at more than a 20-year high.
Canada inflation at more than a 30-year high.
France inflation at more than a 30-year high.
Argentina inflation at more than a 30-year high.

Throw the bums out on every continent!
Thanks, Brandon!