Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Absolutely disgraceful

I'm just getting caught up with the events of today but there's no proper response except disgust and revulsion at this third-world behavior in the world's oldest democracy.  Apparently Trump incited the crowd to march on Congress and the blame largely lies with him.  The Washington Examiner is correct here: "Trump and his mob have dishonored America."
The mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday was engaged in nothing less than a seditious insurrection. Everyone who participated in the violence and lawlessness acted disgracefully. Officials who set the tone for the sedition, especially President Trump, acted even more disgracefully, as they are expected to know better, indeed to lead.
"Today, the United States Capitol — the world’s greatest symbol of self-government — was ransacked while the leader of the free world cowered behind his keyboard — tweeting against his Vice President for fulfilling the duties of his oath to the Constitution," Sasse, who has been a critic of Trump's in the past, said in a statement. 

"Lies have consequences. This violence was the inevitable and ugly outcome of the President’s addiction to constantly stoking division," he continued. 
I'm not going to engage in equivocation like some others.  And, yes, I thought Trump's bluster after losing the election - which I acknowledged on election day - was mostly empty sore-loser hot air.  I figured we would just have to listen to these hallow complaints for a month and then he'd be gone.  But, instead, Trump confirmed all the dictatorial and anti-democratic criticisms aimed against him and then distanced himself when it all went sideways.  Inauguration Day can't come soon enough.

Update - I just saw the Senate reconvene; Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell gave good speeches defending American traditions and norms.

Update2 - Washington Post editorial: "Trump caused the assault on the Capitol. He must be removed.

Update3 - Scott Johnson at Powerline: "A shameful day" - "President Trump seems determined to leave office in a manner that vindicates the vile accusations hurled at him by his opponents over the past four years. After a speech rehearsing his electoral grievances and calling on his vice president to abrogate his ministerial duty today, some of the assembled multitude followed the logic of Trump’s grievances and stormed the Capitol." 

Update4 - Seen on Reddit: "I used to say that conservatives wouldn't act the way liberals did 4 years ago... I stand corrected. Consider this my resignation from caring about either side. Good luck, Biden. I don't give a f--- anymore."  

Update5 - Michael Goodwin at the NY Post: "Trump is responsible for this day of infamy in America."


Anonymous said...

Belated, begrudging, useless, over your dead body, Day 1446 wisdom is certainly a kind of wisdom.

We were always right. You were always wrong.

On the plus side, Susan Collins believes that you've learned your lesson.

Roger Bournival said...

...disgust and revulsion at this third-world behavior in the world's oldest democracy.

You mean like this behaviour?

Forgive me for not being bent out of shape one damn bit about this current trashing of the nation's capital when next to jack shit was said about these assholes trashing the nation's capital four years ago. I didn't hear shit from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer about that - did you? It's safe to say some people have finally figured out this dichotomy.

When the left gets 'round to condemning violence on their side, I just might get 'round to reciprocating. Until then, everyone can fuck off.

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em, Roger! Keep sticking with Retarded Mussolini until the bitter end (a week from Wednesday). Oh, and thanks for the Senate, loser.

Fun Fact: The last President to lose the White House, the Senate and the House in only one term was Herbert Hoover, 88 years ago.

Anonymous said...

If the people don't have confidence in our electoral system, and this election in particular, that is a failure of government. The demonstration at the Capitol was a natural, and mild, response to that failure.

All spring and summer I watched in amazement as state after state threw notions of election security and the rule of law aside for ad hoc early voting and mail-in ballot one-upsmanship by fiat. It didn't matter that in many of these states, their very Constitutions specified exactly how balloting is to take place, their attitude was, "our whim of the moment is to do it differently, so fuck our Constitution."

But what left me in amazement was the fact that no one was doing anything about this abuse of power. Trump would get on Twitter and complain about it, but even he wasn't doing anything. Maybe he doesn't have the power to. But the people who could do something were afraid to stop the madness. And the public noticed.

I don't know whether strategic fraud gave the election to Biden or not. But in an environment where election security and transparency were as cavalierly treated as in this one, there's a guarantee that the losing side is going to strongly feel they were cheated. And if the people can't trust reported election results, a republic can't be sustained. It's that important.

"Third-world behavior?" That's actually a pretty good description of how this election was conducted by the authorities. The Capitol demonstration represented Congress reaping what it and the states had sown. Election integrity isn't something to be trifled with.

You and the media and Congress can deny this and cling to the delusion that it's all Orange Man Bad's fault, and that when he's out, the problem will be gone root and branch. That does make the solution seem much easier. But if you cling to that fantasy you will find that you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Anonymous said...

Everything above is Qstupid, in the service of conspiratorial lies. Early voting and "mail-in ballot one-upsmanship" desecrates the rule of law?

You're a bigger Trump "sucker" than any fallen soldier could ever be.

Anonymous said...

If the people don't have confidence... All spring and summer I watched in amazement... But what left me in amazement... the losing side is going to strongly feel they were cheated... if the people can't trust...

Fortunately, there's a T-shirt that addresses all of your concerns and unhappiness.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Mishka, my comment appears to be obsessing you. Thank you for the compliment!

I have to go to work now.

Anonymous said...

Such a poignant manifesto on your hurt feelings about imaginary election fraud. Topped by an impotent "you ain't seen nothing yet" vow.

Feeling cheated and amazed and distrustful and suspicious and vindictive. With the audacity to project about someone else's emotions. You can leave your sadness hole to post this drivel, but your sadness hole can't leave you.

I have to go to work now.

What a coincidence! So do Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

Anonymous said...

The obsession continues!

Anonymous said...

Unoriginal Man Bad.