Monday, September 15, 2008

Quick break - I have to finish a project tonight, but I'll leave you with the quote of the day:

"If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily." - Barack Obama
More - NRO's Campaign Spot: "Just note that if McCain had said that, it would be seen as a sign of age and dementia. If Palin had said that, it would be a sign she's not ready for prime time. If Biden said that, well, that scenario presumes that a reporter would be around to notice, but if he did, it would mean that it's a Monday."


Anonymous said...

Even a grammarian would be hard-pressed to crack a smile at that one. Do "gotcha"s come much feebler than that?

Anonymous said...

I think the point being made is that if it anybody other than Barack Obama, there would a panel of 3-5 grammarians on the next news broadcast explaining how the speech mistake was a sign of pure evil intent, and repressed sexual desire for children.

Anonymous said...

That's funny... I think the real point is that McCain's genuinely troubling unscripted remarks, misstatements, and/or lies are being equated with an Obama "gaffe" on the level of "I could care less."

It's obvious deflection. It's the "everybody does it" tit-for-tat you always get from the side that's dirtier.

Dale said...

That's funny... I think the real point is that McCain's genuinely troubling unscripted remarks, misstatements, and/or lies are being equated with an Obama "gaffe" on the level of "I could care less."

Lovely projection. Uh-bama is the one having trouble with unscripted remarks. That is why Teleprompter Jesus is taking his teleprompter with him now.

Anonymous said...

"YOU'RE the one projecting, not me. OBAMA'S the one who can't riff, not McCain."

And that's how Dale hoped to debunk the "tit-for-tat equivalency" premise.