Thursday, January 12, 2006

Death penalty update - Remember this guy who swore to the end he was innocent?


Extra – Maybe it was forged DNA: Jonah Goldberg reviews a letter on those other innocent victims, Sacco & Vanzetti.


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Gee, I wonder if the media will cover the results of the test with the same zeal they covered the story when the posibility existed that the man might have been innocent. Now the bigger question: How do we blame George Bush for the death of a guilty man.

  2. The LA Times did its best to bury that article about Sacco & Vanzetti; it was published on Christmas Eve. But Google Sacco and Vanzetti and you'll see that on many history-oriented websites (including Court TV), the S&V case is still presented as a shameful chapter in American history, that S&V were tried and executed not because of what they did but who they were.
