Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cats and dogs living together

Here’s one issue in which I agree with Joe Biden:

Supreme Court nominees are so mum about the major legal issues at their Senate confirmation hearings that the hearings serve little purpose and should probably be abandoned, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden said Thursday.
Call it the “Bork” effect: nominees know that if they just appear reasonable and non-confrontational (e.g. beardless), they can probably get through confirmation without revealing much about their personal beliefs. Amid the circumlocutions, there were points during the Alito hearings when I was wondering if certain Senators were purposefully trying to get a rise out of him.

This might be a good point to note something about myself: I hate to be interrupted. When I’m speaking, it’s time for you to shut up. SO many times during the hearings, I wanted Judge Alito to stop and say (especially to Schumer): “Excuse me, but I was speaking.” Or “can I answer your question now?” Or (to Biden): “Oh, are you done? My turn?” Alas. I’m sure some administration official told Alito to bite down hard and take it for three days and then he’ll have a job for life.

Earlier in the week, I thought there was a lot of wisdom in this RCP article: “Don’t be surprised to see a filibuster.” Not anymore. Even the deranged Democrats must see this as a losing battle – better to move on and get back to Abramoff and such. There won’t be a filibuster but I’m still sticking with my 57-43 vote prediction which includes all the Republicans along with Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson and maybe Colorado Democrat Ken Salazar.

Extra – Pejman correctly notes that the confirmation hearings will continue because they’re fueled by unleaded vanity.


  1. They serve no purpose because the Democrats are trying to use them to determine his ideological beliefs. The hearings were designed to analyze the qualifications of the nominee and determine if he or she is fit for the position.

  2. He is certainly more tolerant than I. Your right, about the seventh time being interupted by that brainless hack, I would snap, and start in on him. Would feel so good, but its what they wanted to do, and he held his tounge.
