Friday, January 13, 2006

The Senate showdown on Alito

Bill Frist appears to have grown a spine. Meanwhile, WashPost reporter Dana Milbank says the Dems are ready to MoveOn:

New Orleans, La.: What are the implications of the Alito confirmation vote on the 2008 elections? The more the Democrats are linked to their fringe support groups - NARAL, NOW, People for the American Way and the ACLU - the more Republicans seem to prosper. Is there any possibility that a Democratic Senator will support Alito in a version of Clinton's Sister Soulgah moment?
Dana Milbank: Ben Nelson will. Seems likely this vote will be ancient history in 2008, though perhaps not in this year's midterms.
From what I hear, Democrats are eager, having "fought the good fight" in committee, to get Alito through quickly and return to Abramoff etc.
Not hearing much of the f-word.
The "f-word," of course, is "filibuster" for you newcomers.

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