Thursday, January 12, 2006

Jayson Blair, Stephen Glass & Rathergate all rolled into one

Sometimes I imagine that Tom Maguire has a giant bulletin board at home propped up against one wall with all the “Plamegate” figures connected by colored yarn. In this post, he makes some wild speculations about how the media will be portrayed in the upcoming Scooter Libby trial:

Then on to the guesswork - the case can be made that the Libby trial will become the trial of the (new) century and shatter the credibility of the media in a way that makes RatherGate look as embarrassing and unimportant as on on-air sneeze.
First of all, I believe Libby will plead out to some lesser charge before a trial. But if, say, the New York Times is called by the defense to demonstrate a liberal bias and a reckless disregard for facts, well that’s going to be tough to prove.

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