Sunday, February 01, 2004

Every word he says is a lie including “and” and “the”: DNC chair Terry McAuliffe was on “This Week” this morning and barely a sentence passed his lips that wasn’t a flat-out bastardization of the truth. ABC doesn’t provide transcripts (if somebody finds one – please forward it to me) but from jobs, to “questioning the patriotism” of Democrats, to his impartiality towards Howard Dean, he was full of dung. Several times, he noted that the Donks intended on raising the spurious “Dubya was AWOL” argument once again. Well, go ahead, Terry – it worked so well for you in 2000.

Review the so-called controversy behind President Bush’s Air Reserve service at Hobbs Online or the mirror site at Terpsboy (which seemed to load much quicker for me).

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