Sunday, March 23, 2025

Trust has been lost

John Kass: "How the New York Times is killing America." - "The New York Times is as lost in its Acela Corridor provincialism as any isolated shepherd boy in the most remote valley of Kurdistan. It hates the America that most of us love and so many died for. In its offices and newsroom, The New York Times whispers into its sleeve like the politicos of old Chicago and Tammany." 

This is a condemnation of the New York Times and most of the mainstream media.  If a serious pandemic or national emergency emerges, nobody is going to believe the Boy who Cried Russian Collusion. 

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Just like Reddit

Commentary: "Bluesky: The Online Cone of Silence"
I quickly learned that the site’s core innovation is not finding ways to facilitate thoughtful conversations. Instead, Bluesky’s secret sauce is the powerful tools it gives users to shut down voices they disagree with. Block lists—featuring the names of people you will not permit to see your posts—are public and widely shared and discussed. “People make nasty lists and lists and lists there,” a Bluesky user in Germany explained to me. Many Bluesky regulars import other users’ lists wholesale, allowing them to block hundreds of people they’ve never even heard of. One frustrated user complained, “I barely have 1,000 followers here on Bluesky and I’ve already been blocked by 300+ people!”

Perhaps it’s no surprise that a platform built on the notion that users need sanctuary from dangerous ideas would encourage hypervigilance against intruders. Some Bluesky users roam the site like white blood cells in the human bloodstream, always searching for invading pathogens. Any time a new user arrives who shows signs of heterodox thinking, they raise the alarm.
I've heard that Bluesky is the ultimate echo chamber and the drive to censor doesn't surprise me at all.  I've seen the same thing on Reddit where users rush to compliant (and left-leaning) moderators whenever a thought-crime is committed.  The Left hates free speech and, thus, these hive mind safe zones.

Girlboss governor caves

Outkick: "Maine Universities Back Down To Trump, Will Ban Trans Athletes From Women’s Sports."

They used to love Elon Musk

A fawning article from Rolling Stone back in November 2017:

Concluding paragraph: "I leave his home still hearing his chuckles in the doorway, and hoping that when the Mars colony builds its first statues of Musk, they’re not of a stiff man with a tight-lipped expression looking out into space, but of a fuzzy bear." 

More of this

It's the only way they learn: "Elon Musk Says He’s Suing Democrat Jamaal Bowman for Calling Him a ‘Nazi’ on CNN." 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

News anchors who don't follow the news

American Spectator: "How Much Longer Is CBS Going to Carry Margaret Brennan? - There must be a final level of embarrassment mainstream media is willing to tolerate."

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

You shant be missed

Red State: "BREAKING: Pres. Trump Is Set to Sign an Order Closing Department of Education."

How bad do you have to be at your core mission to keep your job?  It's time for this useless cabinet position to go. 

Uh-oh, they might be figuring it out

NY Post: "Dem Rep. Seth Moulton calls out own party for being ‘out of touch’ and alienating allies."
“We lost this election across the board, an election that should have been easy for us to win,” Moulton said. “I mean, when in our history have we ever run against a convicted felon sitting at the top of the ticket? So this past election should have been an easy one for Democrats. And yet we lost across the board because so many Americans said, ‘You guys are just out of touch. You‘re just out of touch. I mean, this other guy might be crazy, but you guys are not in touch with the majority of Americans,’ which is kind of by definition, what we showed by losing this election.”
And yet, when push came to shove, Moulton voted to keep biological men in women's sports after publicly stating that he didn't want his daughters to face that scenario.  He had the opportunity to stand up to the 20% nutcases in his party and backed down.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Sounds like he reaped the whirlwind

* reference to title here

Sunday, March 16, 2025

I know what the Dems need: more ping-pong paddles

USA Today: "Democratic Party's favorability hits record lows in two polls after 2024 losses." 

Astronaut rescue in process

Thomas Lifson: "CNN wants you to know that Biden did not strand the astronauts Musk is rescuing - As always, the media is stepping in to help the Democrats, this time, taking narrative control to diminish Musk’s rescue of the stranded astronauts."
Now that Elon Musk is on Trump’s team and the latest two-minute hate (and vandalism) target, he must not be allowed to look heroic in the media. But the spectacle of his SpaceX stepping up to rescue the astronauts who have been left in orbit at the International Space Station for months longer than planned is awfully compelling and—face it—downright epic. It takes no imagination whatsoever to foresee how the media would play up a successful rescue if Musk had happened to be a loyal Democrat.

The fact that Musk is doing what gigantic defense contractor Boeing was incapable of accomplishing—and the fact that his DOGE team is simultaneously uncovering unimaginable levels of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal spending -- makes the mission even more toxic in the eyes of the media division of the Democrat party.
I don't want to say that Joe Biden stranded two astronauts because he couldn't bear to give Elon Musk a win.  It's too terrible to think about.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

American colleges hooked on federal cash

Gerald Ford once said: "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

The idea here - central to conservative theory - is that once you're dependent on the government to provide you with support, you've given up a portion of your freedom and self-sufficiency.  if external circumstances or a new government turns off the spigot, you're in a world of hurt.

Colleges are now in the "find out" stage of FAFO as Trump demands they adhere to new federal standards: "Colleges Are in Trouble and Suddenly Realizing They Have Few Allies."

No more antisemitism.  No more DEI.  Don't like it?  Stand on your principles without federal support.  Looking at you, Columbia. 

The press is always the hero of their own story

Boston Globe: "In Murrow’s empty shoes, a warning for American democracy - Few newsrooms have the courage to hire another Edward R. Murrow, who championed truth over lies when he challenged the powerful Senator Joseph McCarthy."

Just another journey down nostalgia lane for the legacy media, trying to convince themselves that they are the great defenders of Democracy and certainly not the discredited shell they've become.  This thing is so cookie cutter (Hitler references! "pillars" of Democracy!) that it could have been written by either ChatGPT or any college sociology major.