Thursday, May 09, 2024

That CNN interview was...something

Hot Air: "Joe Biden's Really Bad, Truly Terrible Interview on CNN."

This was the interview where Biden decided to abandon Israel: "Biden Commits To Saving Hamas, Will Cut Off Offensive Weapons To Israel If It Enters Rafah."  Because - hey - those votes in Dearborn, Michigan ain't gonna buy themselves.

On the homefront, Biden lied relentlessly about the economy.  

As somebody who follows Dementia Joe's speeches with some regularity, I can tell you that he uses the same rationalizations and prevarications with predictable reliability.  As a journalist - even a CNN journalist - interviewer Erin Burnett should have been prepared for Biden's lies.  I'm not even talking about statements that can be open to interpretation (such as, say, Trump saying there will be a "bloodbath" if he's not elected).  I'm talking about hard numbers, immutable history, and cold facts.

So, once again, I'm disappointed at the mainstream media that allows Biden to say that inflation was 9% when he took office.  This is completely untrue and just one of the ways Biden tries to weasel out of any responsibility for his terrible economic record.   And yet, Burnett did not push back.  At all.

This is why I hate the mainstream media.  These clowns love to wrap themselves in the "truth to power" mantra until the truth will embarrass a Democrat. 

Extra - NY Post editorial: "Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview." 


  1. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Trump, 6 weeks ago:
    “I actually think they hate Israel. I think they hate Israel. And the Democrat Party hates Israel. Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”

    Trump, today:
    “What Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful. If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves. He’s totally abandoned Israel and nobody can believe it.”

    Trump, elsewhere today:
    “Why Jewish people vote for Democrats is beyond me. ...Why a Jewish persons fff chokes if you're a Jewish person, just don't, don't vote for, Biden. Don't vote for Biden, because, you're really hurting your country. No, he is totally gone on the other side now. He’s gone, he’s dropped Israel. ...If you’re Jewish, and you vote for him, I say, shame on you.”

    Trump at a third location, today:
    “Charlottesville is like a peanut, compared to the riots and anti-Israel protests that are happening all over our country. ...And it's Crooked's fault. ...The fact is that Crooked Joe hates Israel, and hates the Jewish people! There's no question about that. If Jewish people are going to vote for [pause] Joe Biden, they have to have their head examined.”

    Wise thoughts, from a fascist autocrat who plagiarizes speeches from Hitler.

    Who in the tribe could possibly vote for Biden? Only an anti-semitic Jew-hating Jew who feels no shame, and stupidly thinks the Charlottesville Nazi mob was bigger than a peanut.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    What else would you expect from the best and brightest they could muster from the AmeriKKKan Marxists Party that proudly no longer define women and openly refuses to live in reality?

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    To change the subject, one needs to have a subject.

    No doubt the above poster spends his days and nights wandering through his neighborhood, shouting confusing insults at "woke trees" and "socialist mailboxes."
