Friday, May 10, 2024

The paper of record



  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Conservative comedy is so funny, you'll bust a Gutfeld!

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    This is much better comedy from a superior clown:

    Donald Trump claimed today that the stock market would be 30 percent lower if he wasn't leading in the polls.

    After claiming absentee credit for the booming Biden stock market (which dwarfs the market's highest peak at any time during the Trump presidency), Trump said that if he doesn't win, there will be a financial crash like 1929.

    It’s literally the exact same bullshit that Trump said in 2020. Sometimes old jokes are the best jokes.

    This is what's called a comedy "topper":
    The stock market shot up one thousand points in the month after Trump lost the 2020 election.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Majority Leader Until 2025 Steve Scalise says House Republicans are drafting articles of impeachment against Biden for not supporting Israel staunchly enough.

    Poor James Comer.

    Q: Aren’t these the same House Republicans who withheld aid to Ukraine and Israel for months?
