Wednesday, May 08, 2024

A hard rain is gonna fall

Hot Air: "Social Security Has About One Decade Left."

That is, about ten years from now, the automatic benefit cuts kick in leading to a reduction of 21% in promised benefits.  There is a general belief that a "grand bargain" will be reached but it would be my preference that any reform of the Social Security system is accompanied by partial privatization similar to the personal accounts in the Australian superannuation system

Government-controlled programs like Social Security and pensions (looking at you, Detroit) can disappear but personally-controlled retirement programs can't be touched.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Extending the Trump tax cut would create more U.S. debt than the highest projection of Social Security's debt.

    "Fiscal conservatives" are very particular about which debt they cannot tolerate, and which debt they're hoping for. It's not honestly about the bottom line.
