Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Dementia Joe hates the poison he spreads regularly

This was quite the moment today:
More than anything, we need to change the poisonous atmosphere in Washington.  I know we have strong disagreements, but we need to stop seeing each other as enemies.  We need to talk to one another, listen to one another, work with one another.  And we can do that.
As the kids say, "this you bro?"
There’s no denying Biden’s January 2022 speech in Atlanta, denouncing the state’s recently-passed voting reform laws was incendiary by presidential standards. Biden denounced the law as “Jim Crow 2.0” and he asked lawmakers, “do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor?”As Foer puts it, “its implications were clear enough. He was arguably accusing Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema of siding with the man who had fired water cannons at black children.” But what’s fascinating is that apparently Biden was genuinely surprised that accusing everyone who disagreed with him on the filibuster of being the moral equivalent of segregationists had damaged his relationship with Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.
The Bull Connor comparison is why Dementia Joe doesn't do press conferences anymore.  


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM


  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Since the unprecedented GOP troll implosion is less significant than the fire alarm story, let's change topics.

    Remember in 2020 when you NAILED The Atlantic printing scurrilous falsehoods about Donald Trump's habitual shitting on the American military, whether alive or dead?

    Remember the suckers? The losers? Trump wanting the amputee soldiers kept away from him? Trump ducking his visit to the French cemetery because he feared the weather would mess up his hair?

    Lies, lies, lies!
    "TDS," you called it.
    A "bogus story," you called it.
    "It's fiction," you said.

    The reason you knew the Atlantic story was all lies? Because you swallowed a White House denial at face value. After all, it was 2020 and Trump's reputation for honesty was unchallenged.

    Yet when Fox News confirmed the Atlantic's reporting, you scoffed, "Wow, from whom?"

    Funny thing about all that faith and trust...

    John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump


  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    It was the same week you posted your prediction that Joe Biden would not show up to debate Donald Trump.

    Slight miss, but anyone can mix up two names.

    It was the same week that you linked to a prescient think piece saying The Left was actively planning a coup if Trump won.

    Slight miss, but anyone can mix up two political parties.
