Thursday, October 05, 2023

Governor Abbott wins

Let's face it: sending buses of illegals to the sanctuary cities of New York and Chicago was a masterstroke.  It led directly to this stunning reversal today: "Biden Admin Waives Numerous Federal Laws to Construct a Border Wall in South Texas - Mayorkas: “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States."

Of course, the "adults in the room" couldn't possibly take responsibility for their horrible immigration policies so they needed to find somebody to blame.  And the reason these brainiacs came up with was that there was a law passed in 2019 and - gosh darn it - they need to follow the law and build the wall.

Nobody can explain what law they're talking about.  Nobody can explain why this law was ignored for four years but only now it must be enforced.  In a sane world, nobody would buy such a ridiculous excuse.

Here's the truth: the citizens are angry and the mayors are freaking out: "Tensions flare between Chicago and White House over migrant crisis." 

Ultimately, we know why the Biden Administration reversed course on the border wall.  The internal polling came in and it's bad.  

Extra fun - You're going to need a bigger internet: "Here’s What Democrats Had To Say About The Border Wall When Trump Was President." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    What, nothing today about the news that Donald Trump told one of his Mar-a-Lago pals about America's nuclear submarine fleet? The number of nuclear warheads onboard? And how close they can get to Russian subs without being detected?

    Nothing about Trump's Mar-a-Lago pal then sharing the classified details with at least 45 people, including a dozen foreign officials?

    Orange Man Bad. Stupefyingly Bad. Sensible people knew it years and years ago. When will you?
