Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Democrats hate free speech

We already knew this.  Hot Air: "Poll confirms what we all know: Democrats in love with censorship." 


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    "Democrats hate free speech" and "Eek! The debt!" are HILARIOUS concerns on the very day when Trump gets a gag order and Kevin McCarthy makes 233-year history while the GOP majority House is wrecked by MAGA arsonists.

  2. Anonymous2:04 AM

    But then, "Democrats hate free speech" is always a hilarious headline when Republicans deliver fresh examples of speech hate every week.

    *Republican candidate for Missouri Governor burns books with a flamethrower in his TV ad campaign

    *Texas teacher fired for assigning graphic novel of “Anne Frank’s Diary”

    *Florida school district will remove all books with LGBTQ characters from school and classroom libraries, even if there is zero sexual content

    *North Carolina classical radio station refuses to play what they call “inappropriate” operas from the Met, citing excuses including “adult themes,” “the sake of the children” and “non-biblical sources”

    *Tennessee GOP House Speaker is sued for restricting the speech of the same black representative his party failed to permanently expunge from the House in April

    *North Carolina judicial commission investigates a Supreme Court Justice for publicly speaking on behalf of increased diversity on the bench
