Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The NY Times is gonna NY Times, part infinity

Check out this unbelievable horses**t:

It's a conservative meme come to life, the endless simping for the Democrats.  Doesn't anybody over there at the Gray Lady have an ounce of shame?  Here's Charles C.W. Cooke: "Actually, NYT, the Problem with High Gas Prices Is That Gas Prices Are High."
I know, I know — I should expect it by now. When the president is a Democrat and something bad happens, everything is invariably covered within the frame of Republican “pouncing.” But this one is particularly egregious. The idea that the key problem with “higher gas prices” is that it might lead people to criticize President Biden is just insane. I honestly cannot imagine being so detached, so monomaniacal, so utterly privileged in my position in society that I could no longer grasp that “provide fodder for Republican criticism of Biden” is about number 437,295 in the list of sentences that ought to follow a headline that starts with “Higher gas prices . . . ”
And, in case you missed it, here's the NY Times not even capable of reading the NY Times:

Clown show, man.  Utter clown show. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Clown show, man. Utter clown show.

    On that, we agree.

    GOP Colorado Rep. Ken Buck, a member of the hardline Freedom Caucus who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, has previously accused McCarthy of engaging in “impeachment theater.”

    And one GOP lawmaker, granted anonymity to speak more freely, offered an even blunter assessment: “There’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money. There’s just no evidence of that. And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t think the evidence exists.

    Matthew Yglesias:
    “It’s of course important that no evidence has been found, but what’s even more telling about the current state of conservative epistemology is that you need to grant a Republican anonymity for him to admit it.

    No wonder Kevin McCarthy and his diseased party got mocked on camera by a pretend-panicked Sen. John Fetterman yesterday:

    And it's no wonder Joe Biden is dominating Donald Trump in the online betting markets.
