Thursday, September 14, 2023

More of this, please

PJ Media: "McCarthy Makes AP Reporter Eat Her Phony Narrative Words." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "Phony Narrative Words"?
    Happy to be of service.

    Kevin McCarthy, 2015:
    "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."

    But not everyone's going along with the same old tactic.

    GOP Colorado Rep. Ken Buck, a member of the hardline Freedom Caucus who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, has previously accused McCarthy of engaging in “impeachment theater.”

    And one GOP lawmaker, granted anonymity to speak more freely, offered an even blunter assessment: “There’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money. There’s just no evidence of that. And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t think the evidence exists.

    Matthew Yglesias:
    “It’s of course important that no evidence has been found, but what’s even more telling about the current state of conservative epistemology is that you need to grant a Republican anonymity for him to admit it.

    Threatened with being primaried, it turns out that Tea Party Rep. Ken Buck just realized he supports “impeachment theater” after all.

    Buck's treatment would be more of the free speech that conservatives cherish, but the liberals hate, huh?
