Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The NY Times is gonna NY Times

National Review: "Great Feats of Stenography." - "Between the Republican pouncing, the excuse-making, and the non-sequiturs designed to draw Donald Trump into a conversation in which he has no justifiable purpose other than to create the only favorable contrast from which Joe Biden can benefit, this Times report is an exquisite specimen. Even the headline — “Biden’s News Conference in Vietnam Ignites His Opponents” — is pitch-perfect. It belongs in a museum." 


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Between the Republican pouncing, the excuse-making, and the non-sequiturs designed to draw Donald Trump into a conversation in which he has no justifiable purpose other than to create the only favorable contrast from which Joe Biden can benefit, this Times report is an exquisite specimen.

    The National Review doesn't use editors anymore?

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    When republicans screw up that is the story. When democrats screw up the story is about the republican reaction to their screw up and how terrible they are for not celebrating the octogenarian vegetable.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Speaking of vegetables, you know Republicans are doing well when Senator John Fetterman openly mocks House Speaker Kevin McHostage and the impeachment inquiry by doing a Br'er Rabbit impression.

