Thursday, March 09, 2023

Pure gaslighting from the NY Times

The Corner: "The Fetterman Guarantee."
In an absolutely shocking piece of “journalism,” the New York Times profiles how the office of John Fetterman is operating while the senator recovers from severe depression and a stroke at Walter Reed Hospital.
There is so much in this report that is wrong, troubling, or outright horrifying that it cannot be covered in a single blog post or column. Here’s one: “It is not unusual for lawmakers to be told by members of their staff, sometimes after the fact, what bills they are co-sponsoring.” This is simply not true.
This story is part of the ongoing prevarication by Democrats and the media - I repeat myself - that Fetterman is a functioning Senator as long as he maintains room temperature. 


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    It's okay, you'll have another crack at that Senate seat in 5 years and 10 months.

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Lying & cheating are perfectly okay with you, in other words, as long as you win.

    I mean, your true colors show through with every comment you post here, but this one cuts closer to the core, methinks.

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Blasts from the past:
    "Fetterman is done. Congratulations, Senator Oz."

    "There's no way normal Americans are going to look at that debate and vote for Fetterman. It's done."

    So how, why did the Republican Party lose to a garden vegetable? "It was the other side's lying and cheating," say the backers of... Dr. Oz.

    Youthinks wrong.

  4. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Lying about the state of Fetterman's health and fitness for office.

    But MOSTLY for attacking and essentially cancelling the reporter who CORRECTLY observed that Fetterman was incapable of carrying on a normal conversation.

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    All of which was on full display in the televised PA Senator debate. Fetterman's condition got wide coverage by the media, which somehow forgot that they're liberal liars.

    And then Fetterman won easily.

    To repeat:
    "Fetterman is done. Congratulations, Senator Oz."

    "There's no way normal Americans are going to look at that debate and vote for Fetterman. It's done."

    Sure felt like it that night, didn't it? Whatever you do, never never ask yourself why a non-incumbent with clear health problems didn't seal the deal for Republicans.

    See you again in 5 years and 10 months.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Your usual low-information voters don't watch debates; they believe whatever lies the mainstream media ("The walls are closing in on Trump! Adam Schiff says he PERSONALLY saw evidence that Trump colluded with Russia!") spouts, and they believed them when they were told the flat-out lie that Fetterman was healthy enough to carry out the duties of a Senator.

    Which is why, for that matter, persons of your political persuasion believe that DeSantis is some sort of authoritarian just because that's the official narrative, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Which just goes to show that you're terrified of him.

  7. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Low information voters DON'T watch political debates, but their minds ARE completely dominated by the political media. A very convenient theory.

    It's amazing how lying about Senator Mumblemouth's condition also won the race for Governor and flipped the state house in a local blue wave.

    Glad to see you're taking my advice, and never never asking yourself why a non-incumbent with clear health problems didn't seal the deal for Republicans.
