Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Fish gotta swim. Democrats gotta...

PJ Media:"Chuck Schumer Calls for Censoring Tucker Carlson Over J6 Coverage."

Of course.  I watched Tucker's Monday show (missed Tuesday) and all he did was provide additional footage and context that was denied the American people during the sham J6 hearings.  It was always a Soviet show trial and Tucker proved that by showing videos pushing back on the chosen narrative.  Watching the Shaman politely escorted by Capitol Police and Brian Sicknick upright moments after he was "killed" was a revelation conveniently hidden from view up until now.

But Democrats, as always, are eager to confront those they disagree with facts on their side, right?  That's why this headline was exciting!  "Sen. Chuck Schumer agrees to go on Tucker Carlson’s show IF… (LOL)."

Yeah, they don't do that.  Otherwise you end up getting called out on national television.  Stay in your safe zone, kiddos.

Truth below:


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    GOP Sen. Thom Tillis on Carlson's additional context: "It's bullshit."

    So much twaddle and labored gaslighting and double standards here... To see you embracing the MAGA virus is disheartening.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Viking Pundit, Jan. 6 2021:

    Absolutely disgraceful
    I'm just getting caught up with the events of today but there's no proper response except disgust and revulsion at this third-world behavior in the world's oldest democracy. Apparently Trump incited the crowd to march on Congress and the blame largely lies with him. The Washington Examiner is correct here: "Trump and his mob have dishonored America."

    I'm not going to engage in equivocation like some others. And, yes, I thought Trump's bluster after losing the election - which I acknowledged on election day - was mostly empty sore-loser hot air. I figured we would just have to listen to these hollow complaints for a month and then he'd be gone. But, instead, Trump confirmed all the dictatorial and anti-democratic criticisms aimed against him and then distanced himself when it all went sideways. Inauguration Day can't come soon enough.

    You also quoted five other observers:

    The Washington Examiner: The mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday was engaged in nothing less than a seditious insurrection. Everyone who participated in the violence and lawlessness acted disgracefully. Officials who set the tone for the sedition, especially President Trump, acted even more disgracefully.

    Senator Ben Sasse:
    "Lies have consequences. This violence was the inevitable and ugly outcome of the President’s addiction to constantly stoking division.”

    Washington Post: "Trump caused the assault on the Capitol."

    Powerline: "A shameful day" "President Trump seems determined to leave office in a manner that vindicates the vile accusations hurled at him by his opponents over the past four years."

    The NY Post: "Trump is responsible for this day of infamy in America."


    Viking Pundit, today:
    Now I know what really happened. Because Tucker showed me.

    R.I.P. "I'm not going to engage in equivocation like some others."

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Sounds like once you've made up your mind about something, you're not going to let anything like recently-uncovered *facts* get in the way of ever changing it.

    Especially if your side has labored so hard, for so long, to keep those facts hidden. The fact that the Dems and the media are both attacking Tucker (but, interestingly enough, not the content of the tapes he's released) tells you how desperately frantic they are.

    I'll bet you still think the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, don't you?

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The fact that the Dems and the media are both attacking Tucker (but, interestingly enough, not the content of the tapes he's released) tells you how desperately frantic they are.

    Is there no Google in your far-right compound? Dems and the media ARE attacking the content of the tapes Tucker has released, you suckerfish. So have the Capitol police. And a number of desperately frantic Republican Senators.

    The bipartisan scorn has literally been going on all this week... sorry, you were in the middle of a Ted Talk about refusing to allow recent facts to change one's mind?

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Another desperately frantic Dem, laboring hard to keep the real facts hidden:

    “Tourists don’t injure 140 police officers by simply sightseeing. Tourists don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House. Tourists don’t threaten public officials.

    President Trump was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable. What happened that day was a disgrace. And it mocks decency to portray it any other way. For as long as I live, I will never, ever diminish the injuries sustained, the lives lost, or the heroism of law enforcement on that tragic day.

    We were able to stay at our post in part because you [the media] stayed at your post. The American people know what happened that day because you never stopped reporting.”
