Thursday, March 09, 2023


Hot Air: "J6 committee co-chair: None of us watched the surveillance video, actually." 


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    There are other people who did not personally watch 14,000 hours of Capitol video.

    Starting with the 1/6 seditionists who pled guilty for the crimes they admitted they did.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Yup. Pled guilty after spending 2 years in solitary confinement and being threatened with 10 or 15 years in a maximum-security prison will do that to you, especially when you know that the prosecutors are illegally hiding all the exculpatory evidence from your defense team so there's no hope in even trying.

    All this on top of being held without bail, in spite of murderers and rapists being let out on no bail at all across the country, thanks to D.A.'s all elected by a certain party.

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The tough on crime "Law and Order Party" is certainly schizophrenic these days.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    There's a difference between actually committing a crime, like burning down a police precinct building or setting a federal courthouse on fire multiple times, and not getting prosecuted for it, and assigning teams of FBI agents more than 2 years after this event to track down and send SWAT teams to arrest people who were allowed inside the Capitol Building by police officers who actually held the doors open for them.

    And then claiming to not have any exculpatory evidence that, by law, had to be shared with defense attorneys.

    And I can't help noticing that while Schumer, et al, are busy attacking Tucker Carlson for showing some of these tapes to the American Public, not a single Democrat or mainstream media personality ('scuse me for repeating myself) has denied that the events that the tapes portrayed were falsified.

    The whole purpose of the J6 committee was to show that our system of democracy is under attack. And they're 100% correct - just not in the way they think it is.

    P.S. When do you think we'll find out how many federal undercover agents were planted in that crowd? I think that fact that they're refusing to give us even a number tells us volumes.

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    You tell 'em, Walter Duranty.

    And why didn't the media show the thousands of planes that took off and landed safely on September 11, 2001?

    Schumer, et al: Noted Democratic media personality Senator Thom Tillis, describing the Tucker revisionist clown show: "It's bullshit."

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Trump colluded with Russia: check
    Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation: check
    Covid definitely came from a wet market: check

    proven-wrong times vary, but you know when you're over the target when the flak's the heaviest.

    And the Dems behavior proves that they support what the FBI did that Taibbi is exposing, and so they are attacking the messenger because they cannot attack the message.

    BTW they were pretty embarrassing out there, weren't they? And they definitely overplayed their hand with the attacks on Taibbi; he's earned a lot of trust out in the liberal world, much of it in the higher echelons. This may turn out to be a major turning point in their affairs.

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I'm absolutely sincere when I say that I encourage your party to follow up the great successes of 2018, 2020 and 2022 by continuing to push and push these fabricated martyr grievances in 2024, 2026 and 2028.

    Free Kari Lake!

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Ever wonder why the FBI had to dedicate 80 agents to make sure the Hunter Biden laptop wouldn't affect the outcome of the 2020 election? Or why the FBI had to fabricate evidence so that they could spy on the Trump campaign?

    Have you ever lived under socialism? Talked with anybody who has actually lived under socialism in, say, Hungary, or even in Portugal? Seen what Communism did to the Soviet Union? I have.

    Be careful what you so eagerly wish for. You won't be so happy if, God forbid, you get it.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Refrigerator magnet gibberish gets dumb people higher than fentanyl.

    Russia Russia hoax laptop ChiCom kung flu FBI Twitter Files stolen election witch hunt socialism

    ...And that's why Democrats are terrified of Tucker Carlson.

    I'm absolutely sincere when I say that I encourage your party to follow up the great successes of 2020 and 2022 by continuing to push and push Hunter Biden's laptop in 2024, 2026 and 2028.

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Yup. Pled guilty after spending 2 years in solitary confinement ..... especially when you know that the prosecutors are illegally hiding all the exculpatory evidence from your defense team so there's no hope in even trying.

    All this on top of being held without bail, in spite of murderers and rapists being let out on no bail at all across the country, thanks to D.A.'s all elected by a certain party.

    Today, U.S. District Judge Judge McFadden ruled against a seditionist on the above.

    Far from being denied access to resources or evidence, the judge said that Jan. 6 defendants had received extraordinary accommodations to view materials in their cases.

    “I’ve seen cases for over a decade now and I’ve never seen a defendant have a tablet to access discovery materials.”

    “The age of this case has largely been because of Mr. Quaglin, and if there’s a continuance that will be because of Mr. Quaglin.”

    Judge McFadden clerked for a George W. Bush judge, and was appointed to his current position by Donald Trump.
