Tuesday, January 03, 2023

NPR is a left-wing outfit

Looking for even-handed commentary on National Public Radio?  Well, they run the full gamut of opinion from liberal to Communist.  Washington Examiner: "National Progressive Radio strikes again."
NPR’s Morning Edition ran a segment on Monday that perfectly encapsulated the broadcaster’s left-wing assumptions, its determination to spread them, the contemptuous betrayal of its mission to represent varied views, and its modus operandi camouflaging propaganda as news.

It’s worth documenting periodically lest we forget that this bias and lack of intellectual curiosity offers a skewed view of important issues and derogates what the national broadcaster is for. We should not sink into oblivious resignation. The segment, from national justice correspondent Carrie Johnson, concerned President Joe Biden outpacing his predecessors in appointing judges and, in doing so, reshaping the federal bench. It’s a vital subject on which a news organization with pretensions to public service (using taxpayer money it describes as "essential" to operations) has a duty to be balanced. Instead, all four people quoted in the piece were from the Left and pursued the same narrative. Two were Biden employees.
You would expect nothing less than the crew that found racism in the Beatles.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:07 PM


    Ha ha ha ha
