Monday, January 02, 2023

Scratch a liberal, find a tyrant

Red State: "Amy Klobuchar Doubling Down on Dems' Scary Efforts to Suppress Your Speech."

Very on-brand.


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Business Insider, today:
    Gen. Mark Milley said there were talks about court-martialing former military officers who wrote 'very critical' op-eds of Trump

    Best of all, some of the op-eds in question had criticized Trump for misusing the military to violently suppress peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square so Trump could have his photo op. Republican support for free speech gets so confusing!

    Conservatives: Scratch a tyrant, get a hard-on.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    You mean BLM’s “mostly peaceful” protestors that set all those fires in Washington DC in the years before J6 everyone likes to not-talk about? You need to stop treating opinion pieces at fact, m8

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Strong on-point rebuttal. Tear gassing U.S. citizens is a kind of free speech.

    But I think I'll stick with the disgusted military officers, thanks. Sorry to harsh your hard-on.
