Tuesday, January 03, 2023

The man who's always wrong

Legal Insurrection: "CBS Lets Humanity-Hating Curmudgeon Paul Ehrlich Spew More Climate Panic Inanity."


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    It hasn't been a good week for climate change scoffers.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Today was the best possible tribute to the political luster and effectiveness of Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    So. Much. Fun.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    A new study says that at current climate trends, Earth will lose two-thirds of the world's glaciers and 48.5 trillion tons of glacial ice by 2100.

    Typical climate panic inanity. I call B.S.

    Watch. It'll probably only be half as much.

    #FuckYouKids #FuckYouFlorida #HaHaI'llBeDeadByThen
