Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Where are the fact-checkers now?

Today Dementia Joe said that the United States is now at "zero percent inflation" because the inflation rate dropped from a 40-year high to merely 8.5%.  Red State: "Biden Takes Lying to New Heights as He Redefines Inflation."
But Joe Biden is not only taking a victory lap, he’s descending into complete falsehood with what he’s saying about the inflation number now. He and his team are claiming there was “zero inflation” just because it didn’t go up as much as it went up last month.
If you expected the media to call out this outlandish mendacity, well, think again: "Media lapdogs’ insane spin on new inflation numbers is an outright slap in the faces of struggling Americans."

Look, this Administration - hell, any Administration - is going to spin the numbers as best they can.  Is it so much to ask that the media call out such a brazen lie with the same alacrity and intensity they do for a Republican administration?

That's a rhetorical question. 


  1. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Even "Anonymous" can't manufacture a response to this inanity.

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Oh, just wait a little while. He'll probably show up a little bit later and show off his amazing debating skills by calling you 'retarded', just like he called me yesterday.

    Funny - he can't even pull off 'wokeness' very well, can he?
