Tuesday, August 09, 2022

This guy griping about illegals being sent to NYC


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    When gas prices have fallen every day for 2 months,

    when July was the biggest decline in world food prices since 2008,

    when 2022 is looking more and more like it'll be the abortion midterms,

    when the FBI just seized classified documents from President Dirtbag's house of crime,

    and when Sleepy Joe Biden just became the most successful legislative president since Lyndon Johnson,

    put ALL your focus on Bus Convoy trolling.

    P.S. Democrats have nosed ahead of the Republicans in the generic Congressional ballot.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Eric posts 9 words. You post an entire screed of shit only you believe.

    It's fun watching Eric waste your time. Nobody here cares, you might as well open a window and yell outside.

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Screed of shit" + "it's fun" = "Nobody here cares." Very convincing.

    Who had the best COVID quarantine ever? Joe Biden did!

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    A-huh. But you left out the part about inflation in July going down to zero percent. And the part that he has no control over gas prices anyway. And the part about how our borders are secure. Plus the part about any President who has 200,000 Americans die of COVID under his watch doesn't deserve to be President.

    And let's cap it off with "my son Hunter is the smartest person I know, and I have absolutely no involvement at all in his business affairs.", despite meeting with his business partners in the White House while he was Vice President.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    And if you believe that Hunter Biden was the one being bribed with obscene ($83,000 a month?) amounts of cash, then that tells me all I need to know about your level of gullibility.

    In much the same way as hearing that Jill Biden insists that she be called 'Dr. Biden' based on her Phd in Education, told me all I ever needed to know about her sense of self-respect.

    'President Dirtbag', indeed.

  6. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "Nobody here cares." Tee hee. Very convincing.

    After you're done yelling out your window, jump.

  7. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I believe Mr. 6:45 was suggesting that YOU, Mr. 3:22, yell outside your window.

    I've already offered my opinion about your level of gullibility; thank you for confirming it to everybody here.

    P.S. You were boasting "When gas prices have fallen every day for 2 months, " in your original post.

    How many days do you think it will take until gas prices will fall to the point where they were when Trump left the White House?

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    P.S. Not boasting, dullwit. Mocking.

    If it was "Biden's fault" when gas prices went up, it is therefore Biden's triumph when they go down.

    Nobody forced your party into that economically ignorant position. It was your own bright idea that was intended to hurt Biden and win control of the Senate.

    How's that lookin' for you lately?

  9. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "Biden's triumph"? Maybe I should repeat myself:

    How many days do you think it will take until gas prices will fall to the point where they were when Trump left the White House?

    And, yes, it was Biden's fault. America was energy-independent under Trump. "Somebody" cancelled the Keystone pipeline just to spite Trump. We didn't have to beg the Saudi's to pump more oil, after campaigning that their leader had a journalist murdered.

    "Nobody forced your party into that economically ignorant position". Um, "we" had nothing to do with it. "Somebody" had to pay off the environmentalists for their voting support, and dumbasses as they are they seemed to think that if we pumped less oil we would magically use less oil, not thinking even one step ahead that instead of pumping oil under our strict environmental standards, we would be importing oil pumped under non-existent Middle Eastern environmental standards.

    Same thing for "non-polluting" electric cars - where do they think electricity comes from? Do they have ANY idea of the harm to Mother Earth caused by lithium & cobolt mining for batteries? Do they know that it's virtually impossible to safely dispose of windmills, let alone electric cars? Virtue Signalling at its best, but you wouldn't know what virtue signalling is, would you?

    Do you think the Germans, as well as the rest of the EU, are still laughing at Trump's advice not to build, and then be dependent on, a Russian natural gas pipeline?

    So actually it's looking pretty good. Lots of good campaign material, and let's face it, I can't think of a single Democrat who's asked Biden, or God forbid, word-salad Harris, to appear on the campaign with them.

    Ya know what? Its fun poking holes in your so-called talking points! I'm having such a good time!

  10. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Only retarded people believe the Keystone Pipeline cancellation caused high gas prices. I should have realized that I was correcting a retarded person. I'm so sorry.

  11. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Thank you so much for this final effort in exposing your amazing debating skills for everybody on this comment thread to see! I'm so glad you were able to show it off to everybody yourself.

    I am resting my case on this one; there is certainly no point in presenting any facts or logic for somebody with such sharp wit as yours to respond to. I can certainly never hope to reach that level of intelligence.

  12. Anonymous11:25 PM

    So actually it's looking pretty good. Lots of good campaign material

    Lots of good campaign material!

    These are the most recent U.S. Senate polls on Real Clear Politics and 538.com. The most up-to-date poll is first:

    NY: Schumer (D) by 15%
    AZ: Kelly (D) by 15%
    NC: Beasley (D) by 4%
    FL: Rubio and Demings, tied
    OH: Ryan (D) by 11%
    AZ: Kelly (D) by 5%
    NY: Schumer (D) by 21%
    NY: Schumer (D) by 22%
    PA: Fetterman (D) by 15%
    GA: Warnock (D) by 3%
    FL: Rubio and Demings, tied
    GA: Warnock (D) by 3%
    GA: Warnock (D) by 4%
    PA: Fetterman (D) by 11%
    GA: Warnock (D) by 3%
    GA: Warnock (D) by 9%
    NY: Schumer (D) by 22%
    OH: Ryan (D) by 3%
    CT: Blumenthal: (D) by 12%
    GA: Warnock (D) by 3%
    PA: Fetterman (D) by 11%
    NC: Beasley (D) by 2%
    OH: Ryan (D) by 6%

    I don’t know why they’re polling Schumer’s upcoming blowout so frequently, either.

    Ignoring Inflation Reduction Chuck, the polls say D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D... I'm sensing the makings of a pattern.

    Ohio (flip), Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania (flip), North Carolina (flip)... well, at least two-term Marco Rubio is tied in Florida. Still, it might be time for the GOP to consider breaking out some of that "good campaign material."

    Or were those disjointed grievance memes you puked up supposed to BE the good material?

  13. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Addendum: Rubio trails by 4% in the newest poll.

    With the two previous ties, let's count it as Demings the Democrat leading by 1%.
