Thursday, August 11, 2022

You can't fool all of the people all of the time

But it looks like you can fool a tiny sliver: "Just 12 Percent of Americans Believe That the Inflation Reduction Act Will Reduce Inflation."
This, obviously, is disastrous for the Democrats. It’s also richly deserved. The Inflation Reduction Act has nothing whatsoever to do with reducing inflation — and everybody knows it. Over and over again, President Biden and his party have had the chance to make it clear that they care about the inflation that their last major bill made much worse, and over and over again, they have chosen to focus on the issues that they wished voters cared about instead. Eventually, after a lot of hemming and hawing, they decided that they were going to keep doing what they’d wanted to do all along, but that, to square the circle, they’d slap the word “inflation” on their work in the hope that the electorate is full of morons.


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Bla bla bla, and Joe Biden is still the most successful legislative president since Lyndon Johnson.

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Fox News has been polling the generic Congressional ballot:

    June: GOP ahead by 7
    July: GOP ahead by 3
    August: GOP tied with Democrats

    Abortion ain't going away.

    And now it's being reported that the FBI has recovered stolen classified nuclear documents from Trump's house.

    These midterms could be hilarious.

  3. Yes, Johnson was a terrible President.

  4. America is paying a horrible price for the installed incompetent disaster currently in the White House.

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    America isn't. You are.

  6. Wide open border. Drugs flooding into the open border. Sex slave, via the open border. Woke military. China buying American farmland. Soon, 87 thousand more tax agents. Higher taxes. All Americans are paying for this. Even the immatures ones.

  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Whenever you are dissatisfied, that means America is winning.

    Joe Biden just had his best week in office.

    Donald Trump just had his worst week since getting booted from office. So far.

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Can't wait until the campaigns start in earnest, and EVERY Republican running asks his or her Democrat opponent if they agree with the current NY governor and the former Virginia governor that abortions should be legal up to the moment of birth.

    Mr. 3:28 can call us deplorables, but we know nauseating, stomach-turning, revolting, sickening, repelling, vomit-inducing ideas when we hear them. There's a lot of us, and we vote, as Trump's winning streak in the primaries can attest to.

    Just because you and people you hang out with in your bubble like that idea, you think everybody else must think like that. You should do an internet search on Pauline Kael sometime.

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    So it sounds like Mr. 9:18 is HAPPY with

    "Wide open border. Drugs flooding into the open border. Sex slave, via the open border. Woke military. China buying American farmland. Soon, 87 thousand more tax agents. Higher taxes"

    and says that "America is winning." and "Joe Biden just had his best week in office."

    That tells me all I need to know about you.

  10. Anonymous9:46 PM

    But at least you admit that Biden is "an inept senile puppet".

    But it's not the an inept senile puppet, it's the weaponized FBI and DOJ.

    But you're probably happy about them, too.

    So tell me, which historical example do you worship the highest - the Gestapo, Stasi, or the KGB?

  11. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Imagine needing to steal an election because you can't beat an inept senile puppet. And still squawking like you've got the winning argument?

    The 2022 election cycle couldn't have been set up any better for Republican success.

    So if you think you're aggrieved now...
