Monday, August 16, 2021

Biden to address the nation this afternoon

Federalist: "No, Biden Can’t Blame Trump For The Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster."

It would be insanity for Biden to try to pin this on Trump, even if he sincerely believed it.  Biden would look weak, trying to pass the blame on to the guy who left office seven months ago.  A better man would realize that he's got to eat the s--t sandwich, but I doubt Joe Biden is that man.

Update - Well, Joe blamed three previous Presidents and the Afghan army but also said "the buck stops with me." 

More - Hot Air: "But Biden’s guilty of the same rhetorical trick that Tony Blinken pulled yesterday and was properly challenged on by Jake Tapper. He tried to change the subject in his speech from the gross tactical debacle that led to the scenes playing out today at the airport to his more defensible strategic decision to withdraw. I can’t ask our boys to die for their country when their own boys won’t do it, says Biden." 

That's why Biden ran away after his remarks and took no questions from the press.

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