Monday, August 16, 2021

Biden to Afghanistan: Drop dead

That's tomorrow's editorial in the Wall Street Journal: "We had hoped that Mr. Biden would accept some responsibility and explain how he would fix this mess. He did none of that, making it clear that he himself is the main architect of this needless American surrender. It does not bode well for the rest of his Presidency."  


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Biden should never have released the new Afghanistan president from prison in exchange for nothing.

  2. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Bruno Maçães
    US intelligence agencies who said just 4 days ago that Kabul could fall in 90 days have revised the figure to 72 hours

    The VikPun intelligence agency who said just 2 days ago that he was “with Joe Biden on this one” revised that statement within 12 hours

    Saturday night:
    We’ve been nation-building in this no-win country for two decades.

    Sunday morning:
    The media is dutifully advancing that narrative with their "gosh, this has been going on for years" schtick

  3. Yes, thank you for that.

    I agree that we should be getting out of Afghanistan. But I don't believe Biden is above criticism for this shitshow withdrawal and the media shouldn't try to cover up for it by claiming that is was always going to be this way.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Sorry Eric, but that was a dumb take. We're still in Germany, Japan and Korea, and those wars ended 75 and 60 years ago. Well, WW2 anyway. Technically Korea is still at war.

    And those are functional countries.

    If we'd pulled the troops out of Germany after 20 years, the USSR might still be the USSR. We can't even pull the troops out of Korea today, same for Japan without emboldening NK and China in the region.

    You could have gradually reduced the number of troops instead of announcing a full pull out all at once while leaving a few brigades and an air wing there. That would have been enough to keep the Taliban in check without them even having to leave the bases.
