Monday, August 16, 2021

Drunk Nancy Pelosi

C'mon Nance, it's not even noon yet.  Daily Caller: "Nancy Pelosi Praises Biden After Taliban Advances Into Kabul"
"Any political settlement that the Afghans pursue to avert bloodshed must include having women at the table. The fate of women and girls in Afghanistan is critical to the future of Afghanistan. As we strive to assist women, we must recognize that their voices are important, and all must listen to them for solutions, respectful of their culture."
FFS, it's like she doesn't even know who the Taliban are.  Here's a hint:
At a park in Kabul, transformed since last week into a shelter for the displaced, families told the AP on Friday that girls riding home in a motorized rickshaw in the northern Takhar province were stopped and lashed for wearing “revealing sandals.”
Drunk, stupid, and botoxed is no way to go through life, Nance.

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