Saturday, May 15, 2021

They can't quit Trump

Newsbusters: "America Declines, Media Obsess Over GOP Squabbles."

Sometimes I head over to Memeorandum which describes itself as: "an auto-generated summary of the stories that US political commentators are discussing online right now."  So I guess you can't blame the site for bias since it appears to be run by some algorithm.  When I'm there, I do a word search on "Trump" and one on "Biden."

I don't think there's been a single day that there are more "Biden" mentions than "Trump."  Even this morning, five months after Inauguration Day, there are 11 Trump mentions to 8 for Biden.  

It's a bizarre obsession for a guy who isn't tweeting and really not doing much newsworthy.  The media wanted him gone and please come back.

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