Friday, May 14, 2021

Ain't so tough without your Twitter, are you Sandy?

I realize that Congress is supposed to this place of tradition and decorum, but this Washington Post story warms my heart.  (Safe Hot Air link here).
Two Washington Post reporters witnessed Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) exit the House chamber late Wednesday afternoon ahead of Greene (Ga.), who shouted “Hey Alexandria” twice in an effort to get her attention. When Ocasio-Cortez did not stop walking, Greene picked up her pace and began shouting at her and asking why she supports antifa, a loosely knit group of far-left activists, and Black Lives Matter, falsely labeling them “terrorist” groups. Greene also shouted that Ocasio-Cortez was failing to defend her “radical socialist” beliefs by declining to publicly debate the freshman from Georgia. “You don’t care about the American people,” Greene shouted. “Why do you support terrorists and antifa?”
AOC scurried away from Greene without a word of retort and then her spokesperson said the matter would be referred to the House's Sergeant at Arms.

So, AOC, who never tires of calling people racist on Twitter, fascists on Instagram, and unAmerican on Twitch streams (I assume) doesn't want to confront that very real threat IRL.  LOL.

The hypocritical icing on the cake is that the "Defund the Police" girl ran to the coppers for protection.  Because their speech is violence but our violence is speech.

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