Monday, May 17, 2021

Crackpot adjacent here in Gilead

Margaret Sullivan, the media correspondent for the Washington Post, wrote (or implied) that "the United States is on track to become functionally an authoritarian White Christian nationalist state in the very near future."  Charles C.W. Cooke was not amused: "Bravo, Washington Post, You’re Now Spreading the Beliefs of Crackpots."
This is sheer lunacy. It is gibberish. It is the sign of a diseased mind. And it matters, because it is being shared by Margaret Sullivan, who is not some random from Twitter, but the former public editor of the New York Times and the current media columnist for the Washington Post. That Sullivan considers these words to be worth spreading around is an indictment of her judgment and of her conception of the world around her.
In a similar vein, I keep reading stories and hearing drivel on NPR about how America is "drifting away from democracy" because Georgia asked voters to provide a social security number before receiving a mail-in ballot.  

These journalism clowns can't bear to think that they're merely pencil scribblers so they need to invent these scenarios where they're the brave frontline fighters against Christians and fascists.

Highly related - Kurt Schlichter: "The Media Hates You And Is Shocked That You Hate It Back."  Get bent, hacks.  

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