Tuesday, May 18, 2021

In Nancy Pelosi's America

Law Enforcement Today: "Walgreens has closed 17 stores in Nancy Pelosi’s police-defunded San Francisco due to ‘out of control’ shoplifting."

The San Francisco Chronicle story is behind a pay wall but there's this detail:
In fact, a shoplifting incident occurred right in front of San Francisco Chronicle writer Phil Matier, as he was working on a story about “rampant shoplifting” and Walgreens closures.

Matier reported:

“No sooner had the clerk spoken than a man wearing a virus mask walked in, emptied two shelves of snacks into a bag, then headed back for the door.

“As he walked past the checkout line, a customer called out, ‘Sure you don’t want a drink with that?’”
Somebody had the munchies.

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