Saturday, January 09, 2021

This must mean the DOJ are lackeys again

Legal Insurrection: "DOJ Won’t Charge Trump, Speakers at Save America Rally for ‘Inciting a Riot at Capitol Hill’." - "I’m reading Trump’s speech at the rally and it’s the same old, same old that he has said at every rally since November 3rd." 

Extra - Reason: "Did Trump Commit a Crime When He Riled Up His Supporters Before They Rioted" - "Under federal law, incitement to riot does not include "advocacy of ideas" or "expression of belief" unless it endorses violence, which Trump did not do."


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    That's a legal argument. Donald Trump will be making a LOT of those in the next year or two.

  2. Oooooh, I got your link from a Conservative blog. You're not rightwing. Gross. Well, I hope you enjoy Biden, you filthy Marxist.

  3. PM

    Not everybody's permanently banned from Twitter.

    Anthony Scaramucci:

    One Scaramucci left for Trump.

  4. "It depends on what "is" is" - Democrat making a legal argument, which means it's totally OK.

  5. Anonymous4:14 PM

    To honor the murdered Capitol police officer, we've entered the rote period of 'But Democrats' deflections.

    Ineffective in normal political circumstances; utterly emasculated in these.

    Adam Serwer

    Yes, Trump incited a mob attack on another branch of government. Yes, their goal was overturning the presidential election. Yes, it came within moments of lawmakers being killed by the mob.

    But here’s why the libs’ hysterical reaction to this is far more dangerous


  6. "Yes, it came within moments of lawmakers being killed by the mob."

    What color is the sky on the planet where you live?

    And people on your planet sure don't have very long memories; I seem to recall certain members of Congress inviting rather aggressive protestors into the Kavenaugh hearings, who then roamed the hallways attacking Republican lawmakers right and left.

  7. Anonymous4:10 AM

    To quote Pulp Fiction, "Your ass ain't talkin' your way outta this shit."

    protestors roamed the hallways attacking Republican lawmakers right and left

    Did that imaginary brutality occur on planet Head Up Uranus?

    We must never forget the brave Capitol police officers who were cruelly beaten with rhyming protest chants.
