Saturday, January 09, 2021

Chaos and madness

The Corner: "A Video That Captures Just How Dangerous and Out-of-Control the Rampage in the Capitol Was."

I heard former Clinton administration official Leon Panetta on NPR Thursday and, while he condemned Trump and the protesters, he was in disbelief at the complete lack of security in the Capitol.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:58 PM

    You think that maybe.... just maybe.... that lack of security had been ordered by somebody higher up? By the same sort of people who can call this summer's riots 'peaceful protests' while buildings burned in the background? By the same people who applauded the rather violent protests during Trump's inauguration 4 years ago?

    Nancy Pelosi this summer: "I just don't don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

    Kamela Harris this summer: "Protestors should not let up."
