Sunday, January 10, 2021

Another view

Andrew McCarthy: "Trump has committed an impeachable offense" - "Trump made a reckless speech that incited a throng on the mall, which foreseeably included an insurrectionist mob."


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "Conservatives process & analyze facts and reach conclusions. Liberals makes conclusions and try to sell them as facts."

    Eric, I'm starting to doubt your state of mind here. Look at the facts. Ask yourself why the FBI has suddenly started to fan out across the country, identifying and arresting protestors for this one particular mostly-peaceful protest, after ignoring or dropping the charges against everybody involved in a riot since Trump's inauguration riots in 2017. Does this pass the smell test to you?

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    "this one particular mostly-peaceful protest"

    "I'm starting to doubt your state of mind here"

  3. Anonymous1:29 AM

    I'm puzzled. For the past 4 years, the FBI was jack booted, fascist thugs interfering with the rights of Antifa to firebomb public and private buildings and cars, with governors and state attorney generals and mayors threatening lawsuits, demanding they leave blah blah blah. Now the FBI are the good guys, fanning out to protect democracy?

    Sounds to me that the politicians in DC didn't give a damn about what Antifa and Anti-Trump protestors were doing to ordinary citizens when their businesses, cars and neighborhoods were destroyed and taken over. However, the second the DC politicians themselves are threatened they shit their pants and unleash the dogs.
