Thursday, January 07, 2021

Heading for the exits

CNBC: "‘I can’t stay here’ — Mick Mulvaney resigns from Trump administration, expects others to follow." and "Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is first Trump Cabinet member to quit after riot."

Fox News: "Pence 'angry' after Trump says he 'didn't have the courage' to overturn election, Inhofe says - Pence reportedly told Inhofe 'after all the things I've done for (Trump)'"

It won't be long until Trump is sitting alone in the dark, muttering "Rosebud."  


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Viking Pundit, Oct 21:
    "Say what you will about Trump but he's exposed the rot underneath the floorboards of the American media."

    A Capitol Police officer has either died of their injuries, or is on life support until the family can arrive. There are conflicting news reports. The officer was beaten by make-believe patriots rioting over make-believe election fraud.

    These domestic terrorists were incited for two months by Donald Trump and his enabling Republican sycophants in Congress, their fellow GOP electorate, and all your "Stuff I'm Reading" links.

    Got anything snappy to say about exposed institutional rot tonight? Feeling proud that you tamed your misgivings about Trump? Say what you will.

    1. “Oh shit, 4 MAGApedes died during the Capitol Riot. Quick, we need to add in a dead cop to make people sympathize with Congress.”

  2. I believe that sort of thing is called a non-sequitur, mate - were you here denouncing any of the BLM / Antifa riots all summer? Extremely doutbful. Now back to the subject:

    You'd figure these guys & gals would just hang out, do squat for two weeks and collect another paycheck, no?

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I believe that sort of thing is called a non-sequitur, mate - were you here denouncing any of the BLM / Antifa riots all summer?

    Roger exults in being a resentful dunce. So there's use explaining to him the subtle differences between responding to real police abuse and imaginary election fraud.

    Nor is there any use explaining to Roger that it was the institutional backing of Donald Trump's unfitness, always and no matter what, that caused Wednesday's entirely predictable outcome.

    Put the Duck Dynasty terrorists aside. Tens of millions of normal Republicans also support(ed) Donald Trump against their better instincts because "he fights" and he's "not politically correct" and other schoolyard rationalizations. In the wake of the Capitol assault, congratulations on your shrewdness and good civics in correctly identifying the true dangers to America, whether it's "Liddle' Adam Schitt" or "the Gray Lady" or "Basement Biden" or "cancel culture."

    You helped this happen. Was the tingle of his Adderall-sniffing Don Rickles tweets worth the tradeoff? Your culture certainly got that Capitol Police officer cancelled.

    You should attend the funeral, Roger. Someone needs to tell the family that yes, their loss is sad, but BLM.

  4. "Got anything snappy to say about exposed institutional rot tonight? Feeling proud that you tamed your misgivings about Trump? Say what you will."

    Sure. Trump's deplorable actions in no way absolve the mainstream media of their institutional rot. I haven't seen a more desperate attempt at equivocation since that guy told Jenny "it's just Johnson and this damn war!"

    The media all but cheered on the "mostly peaceful" protesters but now they've marshaled their collective forces to hunt down their new favorite enemies.

    David Dorn was unavailable for comment.

  5. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I’d expect that kind of response from Trolly. You’re supposed to be smarter.

    The point was that you focus like a laser bloodhound on alleged media “rot,” but willfully avoid acknowledging the dangerous civic rot in your own house. You responding with “media, media, media!” is making MY case, not yours.

    I understand the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” ethical compromise. But your side went all in. And when Trump expanded his Enemies List in front of everybody’s eyes to include the republic and the Constitution and the Capitol Police — sorry, Charlie, but you went all in. The blood on Trump’s hands is yours, too.

    It’s incredibly fortuitous timing that your party should choke away the U.S. Senate on the literal eve of your president’s and your party’s sedition. The Trump Republican Party’s act of fascistic dishonor was sui generis. It was always going to be insanely difficult for the Sean Hannitys and the Kevin McCarthys and the Viking Pundits to whatabout it away to CNN and AOC.

    But now, with no federal levers of power? And your own politicians and media outlets doing the rats-on-a-sinking-ship self-preservation act? “This damn war” of yours won’t be winnable. Run, Forrest, run!

  6. The blood on Trump’s hands is yours, too.

    Just when I thought you couldn't get any more despicable, you outdo yourself. Do you feel morally superior now?

  7. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The question absolutely no one is asking in the Trump era: "How could it have come to this?"

    The murdered officer's blood is on your hands as well, Roger. Use it for lube.
